Kian Lawley > Friends?

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"Y/N pay attention" Kian snatched the phone out my hand and put it in his back pocket.

"Kiannnn" I slouched down in my seat and put my head against the black painted wall. He dragged me to the mall so he could find something for his date tonight. The date he got with the girl that hates me. The girl that I hate!

"Y/N what's wrong" He kneeled down beside me still holding a shirt he wanted me to see. I sighed, "nothing, I'm just tired" Kian just rolled his eyes and inched a little closer.

"Your giving me bullshit. Just tell me"

"Look it just... Ugh... Out of all the girls in the world you chose that bitch to go on a date with! And where did all this come from, last time I checked your last girlfriend was when we were 16! Two years ago" Kian was shocked and hurt by my sudden outburst. I could see it in his eyes. To be fair even I was shocked at my own outburst.

He stood up straight, towering over me . "Y/N, your supposed to be my best friend. In case you haven't noticed I've been unhappy for the past couple of months because I realized that I couldn't get the girl I wanted. But I moved on Y/N. I'm happy with her and you should support me no matter what!"

There was a long silence. In the back of my mind I knew I was being selfish. I knew I was being a bad friend. But there's still apart of me that wishes I was on that date with him, and that he liked me more than just a friend. But I should be happy for him, I'd rather be stuck in the friend zone than confess my love for him and things would never be the same ever again.

I looked up to see him no longer towering over me but on the other side of the clothing racks hunting for a shirt to wear. I watched as he held two shirts across his chest, looking at himself in the long store mirror. Do the right thing Y/N. Be the friend you need to be.

I stood up and walked over to him. I took the two shirts off of him, "these are the ugliest looking shirts I've ever seen. And my dad still wears his 80s outfits" He chucked and followed me over to the clothes rack. I found a maroon shirt with a white and grey pocket. I put it against his chest and it looked like it fit perfectly.

"Buy this and give me back my phone, I've got to head off" His smile dropped as he took the shirt and gave me my phone.


"See you later LawleyPop" I smiled half heartedly and rushed out the mall grabbing my backpack on the way. I rushed out onto the sidewalk and grabbed my black average skateboard from my backpack and skated the way home. Tears brimming in my eyes. That was a lot harder to take in than I thought.

. .   .

I was lying on my couch looking upwards at the ceiling. I couldn't stop thinking about Kian.

How he's probably having the time of his life with the girl that's probably stolen his heart. And here I am moping in my lonely small apartment. But its not like I deserve him. I was so rude to him earlier and who am I to judge who he dates. I've had my share of bad relationships and he was always there for me.

A fast and eager knock at my door dragged me out of my thoughts. I heaved myself out of my comfortable position and walked up to the door. The knock were getting louder and more annoying as the person on the other side kept banging on my door.

"Okay, okay calm your tits I'm coming" I mumbled as I undid the latch to see the one and only Kian Lawley standing there. Before I could even look him in the eye I gave him a tight hug which he responded instantly. He rested his head in the crook of my neck as I whispered apologies like "I'm sorry","I didn't mean it","date whoever the hell you want" over and over again.

We swayed a little as we kept hugging. "Y/N" he said in a wobbly voice. Like he'd been crying.

I gently let go of him and picked up his head. His eyes were red and his cheeks were tear stained. My heart melted.

"Oh my God what happened" I grabbed his hand and led him into my bedroom where he took his shoes of and layed down. I sat on the other side of the bed, with his head on my lap and my fingers stroking through his hair.

I listened to his discreet sniffles, "You were right" his voice cracked with every other word. He was about to speak again but I stopped him, "You don't have to tell me baby" the last bit slipped out but he just nodded and shuffled around the bed so his feet weren't dangling off into the floor.

"I'll always be here for you Kian, whatever happens I'll always be here" I whispered as I stoked his hair. Soon I heard soft snores coming from his mouth. I sat up a little and flung the blanket over Kian and me.

I settled back down getting comfortable to then hear Kian mumbling in his sleep, "I love you Y/N" he whispered.

I smiled and without thinking I bent down to kiss his cheek, "I love you too" before resting my head onto the pillow and letting my eyes droop. But before I fell into a deep sleep I swear I saw him smile.

P R O O F  R E A D / E D I T E D

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