No use crying over spilt coffee

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Dr Neal Hudson had been a surgical resident at Angels Memorial hospital for a year but knew it wasn't for him he wanted to be on the front line as it were saving lives so, he made the decision to be an emergency Dr not realising how that little move would change his life forever.
Neal had been at the hospital for a year and he had worked up quite a reputation for himself and so, he was rewarded the job along side daddy in training the new residents. Neal he had thought he gotten to know every member of staff but there was one member of staff he was yet to meet and that was the famous " daddy" or " cowboy" as some called her as they were unsure about her out of the box methods in treating patients which Neal would decide for himself once he met them.
Neal was rather nervous in meeting this 'daddy' they sounded terrifying the more he heard.
Neal stood at the nurses station signing off patients charts and writing up notes when he heard a familiar friendly voice of Jesse " guess what?You get to meet the famous daddy today" Jesse one of the friendly nurses who had been at the hospital along time and had earned him the nickname ' mama'.
" great I look forward to it" Neal said calling out to Jesse who smirked and walked away.
Neal headed to the staff room for a very quick break and mainly for a fresh cup of coffee after all it looks like it was going to be a long day. Neal opened the door to see Dr Guthrie already taking a seat on the plush sofa sipping a cup of coffee.
" long day Dr Hudson?" Rollie asked seeing the exhaustion on Neal's face " something like that?" Neal chuckled.
He opened the cupboard grabbed his own coffee he had brought from home which had his name on, he grabbed his cup and began pouring a spoonful of coffee into the coffee machine and waited for it to filter. Neal stood against the sink with his back to the door.
" I suppose you know who everyone is talking about when they say ' daddy'" Rollie nodded his head.
" I certainly do I have worked with Daddy now for quite a few years and she is one hell of a dr if you ask me, yes her decisions can be rash but, is good a what she does" Rollie said before taking another sip of his coffee.
" how can she be the best doctor when she doesn't think things through?" Neal asked.
" I don't know son, maybe I'll let you find out yourself"
" I am rather Intrigued by this Dr Rorish" Neal said said blistfully unaware that Leanne had joined them both but, kept quiet.
Dr Rorish akaDaddy walked quietly into the room giving a warm smile to Rollie who nodded his head. Leanne raised an eye brow as Neal continued to talk.
He made his cup of coffee and took a large sip " so you are dying to meet me huh?" Leanne raised an eye brow  and as Neal turned round he spat the drink out in shock and the coffee droplets from His mouth  went over Leanne soaking her in coffee. Rollie nearly choked on his coffee.

"I'm so sorry, that was really unnecessary and rather unlike me "
" are you kidding me,seriously" Leanne tried to wipe the coffee off her now wet Scrubs which was sticking to her skin and revealed her rather toned and slender torso and muscular arms as she pealed off the scrub top but, her grey top underneath was stuck to the scrubs so Neal got a bit more than he bargained for  when she tried taking the scrub top off but it was stuck and it revealed a large pice of her abdomen but hey he wasn't complaining he was rather enjoying it.
Snapping out of it "I'm so sorry" Neal rushed over and handed Leanne and a tea towel, Leanne blushed slightly looking into Neal's deep Dark brown eyes.
"Yeah...I better get going, nice seeing you Neal. Leanne a pleasure as always" Rollie quickly made excuses before he escaped out of there not wanting to be in there any longer than he had to.
" I'm so sorry, can we start again" Neal said sensing the slight tension.
"It's alright I've had worse" Leanne frowned and mentally kicked herself " God that sounded just awful I didn't mean it like that" Neal smiled " I knew what you meant".
" I'm Neal by the way the new attending" he heard out his hand for Leanne to shake but she just glanced at his hand and he pulled his hand away.
" well you know who I am" Leanne gave a weak smile.
" I guess I better get back out there" Neal said practically running out the door.
His heart was pounding in his chest not believing what he had just done, he rushed over to the nurses station " I just met Daddy" Jesse smirked " I know Rollie just told me and well the whole of the ER" Neal sighed " great just great, I better hand my notice in now as I am not going to be shaking that off anytime soon" Neal's mind kept playing the while scene over and over slowing down on the whole top getting stuck and how perfectly toned she was, how delicate her skin looked and how much he longed to touch her soft milk and honey tasting skin.
He shook the thoughts from his mind after all he's only just met her and shouldn't be thinking about her like this.
Leanne left the staff room with her coffee stained top on tow she, walked along the corridor back towards the locker room quickly tossing her top in the laundry basket that they use to put the dirty bedding in, she opened her locker pulled out a clean scrub top and made her way to the nurses station where she saw Neal and Jesse talking.
" morning Momma, Neal" Leanne raised her eye brow at Neal as she walked past.
" good Morning daddy want some milk to go with that freshly spilt coffee?" Jesse called out to her .
" Jesse?" Neal was shocked Jesse had said anything.
" What? I couldn't resist" Jesse smirked.
" great just great" Neal mumbled
" come on now there's no use carrying over spilt coffee in mommas house" Jesse said placing a hand on Neal's shoulder.
The alarm went off indicating that there was a accident coming their way. Neal rushed over grabbed a throw away gown and gloves, he rushed towards the doors quickly dressing. Neal spotted Leanne a head waiting at the entrance already dressed and ready to go. He took this second to look at his colleague not realising how pretty she really was. Neal walked over to the front next to Leanne who didn't even give him a second glance but she knew he was there next to her.
The ambulance pulled up and Leanne, Jesse and Neal rushed over to the doors and helped wheel the patient towards the double doors.
"Ready to show us what you got?" Leanne said finally looking up at Neal.
" well you've already shown me what you got?" Neal was in total shock that he had just said that out loud.
He received an eye cold glare from Leanne but a smirk from Jesse.

Give your heart a break (Code Black fan fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang