Chapter 7

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Leanne sat looking through the pages of the happiest day of her life.

Flash back

Leanne  sat in her beautiful white gown looking at herself in the mirror her hair curled and put up looking amazing but she was unsure of how she looked. "You look just like me on my wedding day" Leanne turned to see her mother walking towards her

"Lucky for me" she answered sarcastically with a roll of her eyes

"Leanne dear this is meant to be your happiest day of your life... well before starting a family" Joan looked down at her daughter in her white flowing dress.

"No I look fat, " Joan shook her head "you do not look fat Leanne, you look beautiful and me and your father are so proud of you" Leanne smiled softly at her mother.

Joan looked down at her watch "well are you ready dear?"

Leanne took a deep breath "as ready as I will ever be" she grabbed her bouquet, linked arms with her mother and left the hotel room.

As they sat in the limo, Leanne started to freak out "I'm going to be late"

"Darling its fashionable for the bride to be late, I was an hour late for mine"

"I think I'm going to be sick" Leanne felt the nausea rise up her throat

"Take a deep breath" Joan held her daughters hand "we're here, do you need a minute?"

"No" she took a deep breath "no I'm fine let's go" Joan helped Leanne get out of the limo.


The music started as Kate and Melissa walked down the isle first in their Patel green matching bridesmaid dresses. Leanne and her mother slowly made their way up to the altar, once they reach it Jon handed Neal Leanne's  hand and smiled "I know you to will live a long happy life together" she kissed her daughter then made her way to the vacant seat in the front row next to her husband Michael.

They said their vows, and then the 'I Do's' Leanne could not believe it she was married wow she thought never thought that would happen. Leanne and Neal walked out together and made their way like everyone else to the Hotel's Hall where they held the reception.

The room went silent and Neal's  best man Jesse stood up "I have known Leanne for a long time but there are a few things I do know like I know she's a beautiful, intelligent -"

"Married" coughed Neal, which made everyone laugh

"well yes and that but, the most important thing is that I know she is the one for Neal, they are perfect for each other and I know for a fact that they will be so happy together, that's all I could ask for is that Neal, Leanne and their children live a long happy life together" Neal stood up and hugged his friend while everyone clapped

"suppose I should say a few words, well where do I start umm I just wanted to thank everyone for coming today it made this day perfect having all our friends and family here to celebrate this very special day with us I would also like to thank my beautiful wife Leanne I would be lost without you, you have made me the happiest man alive" Neal bent down and gave her a passionate but quick kiss "now my love I think it's about time for our dance" Leanne smirked at him while he help her stand "now don't be standing on my feet I would want any broken toes now" he laughed as she slapped him in the arm

they swayed slowly gazing into each other's eyes, forgetting where they were and everyone around them - I don't want to miss one smile, I don't want to miss one kiss, Well, I just want to be with you, Right here with you, just like this, I just want to hold you close, Feel your heart so close to mine, And stay here in this moment, For all the rest of time- they let the music block out the sounds around them, it was just them, them and only them no one else. It was the happiest moment of both their lives nothing could change that.


Leanne and Neal hugged their family and friends thanking them for all the support, then they left and got on a plane that night and left.

Leanne slowly woke unable to move she was worried for a second forgetting where she was then turned her head to see a very sexy, naked Neal next to her witch made her smile his strong arms draped over her his soft chocolate brown eyes looking at her

'Well good morning beautiful" he smiled as he kissed her lips lightly then softly left little kisses down her neck

A soft moan escaped Leanne's Lips "morning"

"What did you want to do today?" Leanne and Neal had spent a week in Hawaii and had another two weeks left

"Stay in bed...sleep... And other fun actives" she giggled

"We have been doing that for the last few days, how about a walk along the beach?" Neal suggested

"Sounds good"Leanne nodded her head. they spent another half hour in bed before getting up and getting ready.

They sat in the sand wrapped up in each other's arms as they watched the beautiful sun set.

"Have you thought about us having any children?" Neal asked Leanne breaking the comfortable silence they were in

This question took Leanne by surprise "what? we haven't even been married 5 minutes and you're already talking about children," Leanne laughed but Neal did not

"Well I would like to start a family with you Leanne Elizabeth Hudson "

Leanne cut him off and turned to face him "you're not having second thoughts are you?"

"no, no nothing like that it's just well I mean....I want a big family" Neal brushed a strand of hair out of Leanne's face

realizing this convocation was getting serious and that her answer would probably upset him she took a deep breath "well um I haven't thought about it but I guess I do want kids I mean who doesn't want or like kids" Neal sighed in relief "but not at the moment I mean I have a career now that I dreamed of and your career we both will be working really long hours together"

"Wait so you're not going to stay at home with our children?"

"yes but I'm not going to be a stay at home mother I'm not that sort of person but that doesn't mean I don't want any kids just not right now"

Neal got up and started to walk to the bar "I'll meet you at the hotel room later I just need some time to think"
" wait....Neal...I..." Leanne called out to Neal who ignored her, sighing as she looked down at the sand.


Neal walked into the hotel hours later to find Leanne passed out on the sofa he bent down and kissed her temple then walked into their room to change but found their bags half packed and clothes spread out all over that place "LEANNE" Neal shouted which woke Leanne.

She bit her lip as she slowly sat up "oh my god my back is killing me" she rubbed her eyes "Neal what's going on why are you shouting"

"What the hell is going on?Why are our bags packed?" Neal asked confused as he glanced at the half packed bags and the rest if the clothes sewn a cross the floor.

"Oh yes that... Well you see work called me and they are desperate and extremely short staffed"

"Is there no one else... jeez Leanne I didn't realize you were the only DR on this planet" Neal raised his voice

"We're the only ones available and the only ones who have the skilled authority to do this I'm sorry but I'm going with or without you" Leanne slowly stood wincing at the pain in her back

Neal's eyes softened and he helped her to bed "Fine whatever Leanne".

Leanne and Neal were on the plane home the next morning

-End flash back-

Leanne wiped away her tears that appeared when she remember their honey moon she looked over at Neal who was snoring softy, putting their wedding album down, then over to her clock sighing she got out of bed and got ready for work, kissing Neal before she got up and had a shower.

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