Chapter Two

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They wheeled the patient to centre stage where they worked endlessly to save their patient.
"He needs an OR now!" Neal snapped as they worked endlessly on their patient.
" he doesn't have time Neal" Leanne glanced over at Neal who was not happy.
" Jesse prep for a emergency trepanning" Jesse nodded before walking away to do as Leanne requested.
" you can't just drill into a mans skull Dr Rorish in the middle of an the ER" Leanne smirked.
" oh really? Watch me" Jesse placed a protective gown over Leanne before preparing himself.
"Your just going to let her do a dangerous procedure that should be done in a OR?" Neal said to Jesse with a rather gobsmacked expression.
"Yes Son I am, one: She is not my boss and Two : don't question me or Dr Rorish again okay?you may have had authority up at the land of the surgeons but you are in our house now and you are nothing in here yet son and to question Me is to question wether Leanne is capable for the job and the answer is yes I trust Leanne with my life got it?" Neal nodded quietly.
" Dr Hudson your not needed here,how about seeing if anyone else needs a hand or is that beneath you?" Leanne snapped.
Neal just walked off towards the nurses station feeling slightly deflated, hurt and his spirit crushed. Leanne watched Neal walk away with his head down " maybe a little harsh mama?" Jesse looked up at Leanne and followed her gaze " don't go all soft on me now daddy" Jesse and Leanne shared a knowing glance " I'll speak to him after okay" Jesse said taking one last glance at Leanne before he continued his work on their patient.
" I just don't get it mama what is it with these surgeons they think they own the damn place and think they know best" Leanne snapped.
" listen I will talk to him later" Jesse said trying to calm a fuming Dr Rorish.
Neal had gained several minor cases he could sort out himself alone which he didn't mind after all he wanted to keep out of mamma and daddy's way after that little out burst earlier. Neal was just finishing up removing shard of glass from a young girls leg.
" there you are all done" he said in his thick British accent.
"Great thank you...Dr" Neal couldn't help but notice every time she smiled at him a slight rosiness would appear to her cheeks.
" I will write you up a prescription for some antibiotics, your not allergic to penicillin?" She shook her head.
" okay so...Flucloxacillin....One capsule to be taken Four times a day, on a empty stomach and most importantly finish the course" Neal handed out the prescription to the girl.
" that's it your done with me I'm afraid but, you will need a follow up in a weeks time" the girl nodded " thank you" before she hobbled away on crutches with a prescription in her mouth.
Neal could feel the dryness in his throat , he looked down at his watch to see he had not hand a drink or a bite to eat for 8 hours and he was getting tired and rather shaky.he took a few moments to himself in the staff room with a steaming cup of coffee and a packet of crisps he had gotten out of the vending machine out in the hall not really expecting much from the crisps because if it was anything like the one on the surgical floor they were awful but they filled a gap.
Neal took a sip of coffee and closed his eyes in content.
Slam went the door almost Neal choking on his crisp from the vending machine " what the hell was that back there Dr Hudson?" Neal looks up to see a rather angry Dr Rorish standing in front of him with an eye brow raised and hands on her hips.
God she's hot when she's angry, Neal tried to shake this from his mind and concentrate.
" I...." Neal had lost his voice and this angered Leanne " you what?, don't ever question mine or Jesse's judgement ever again. I thought you wanted to learn from the best"
" I did I mean I do...." Neal stuttered.
" me and Jesse are the best, start acting like you want to learn instead of acting the big I am then you will learn, yes you have done a years residency on the surgical team but that doesn't mean you know everything there is to know about emergency medicine got it"
" Okay I'm sorry" Neal could feel the anger rising.
" I obviously have upset you and I am sorry I didn't mean to and it won't happen again. I guess it s best if I leave as I am obviously not cut out for emergency medicine" Neal got up slamming his cup down on the table almost shoving last Leanne and heading towards the locker room.
Neal stormed out the staff room and headed towards the locker room " Hey Neal, wait up" Jesse called out rushing as fast as his little legs would let him.
" let me guess you have come to scald me for my comments earlier?" Jesse shook his head " okay yes I have but, that can wait something is bothering you" Neal sighed " don't worry I won't be around long enough so don't bother with the pleasantries, it's been great working with you and I wish you all the best" Neal shoved open the door rather forcefully it slammed hard into the wall.
" Hey that is hospital property" Jesse snapped following Neal into the locker room.
" what's happened?" Jesse asked as Neal started clearing out his locker.
"That blooming Dr Rorish, is she always so.....straight to the point? And damn right rude?" Jesse nodded.
" you get used to it after a while, be careful what you say about Leanne she is my oldest and dearest friend in this joint and she is the reason I am still sane after working in this place" Neal continued to clear out his locker.
" never mind I'm leaving anyway" Jesse frowned " your letting one bad day get to you? Your not as strong as I thought you were son" Jesse sighed " well it's been good to meet you and I wish you all the best in the future son" Neal thought about it for a second and after all Jesse was right he was letting one bad day beat him.
"Your right , I'm not letting this get the better of me" Neal put his things back into his locker with Jesse watching with a mischievous smile
" that's my boy, now go on back out there and show us what your made of and one last thing don't every question your mama or Dr Rorish again understood?" Neal nodded.

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