Chapter 24

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Once Lolly, Mona, Jackson and James Jacksons best friend made it to school they went their separate ways and headed to their first class.

Lolly's first class was English which Mona's class was too. So they went to their lockers and placed their bags inside and grabbed their books. Slam went their lockers as they walked down the hall way where they we both met with loads of "Hello's" From people as Lolly was the most popular person in the entire school and to them she was royalty and they were her loyal subjects who willingly did home work for her which got her straight A*'S and she was invited to the biggest parties and had the best time.

"Hey Lolly, sorry you missed my birthday party it was totally unblogable without you there" Lolly smiled.

"Aww that's so sweet thank you Clair" Once the girl was gone and completely out of ear shot lolly whispered to Mona "Like I would be caught dead at her party" this made Mona laugh. Mona and Lolly strolled into English class 10 minutes late.

"Oh how nice of you to join us you miss Hudson and Miss Mason"  Mrs Knee said to the 2 late arrivals who took their regular seats at the back.

"Oh no sweat" Lolly said as she grabbed her phone out her bag and placed it on the table. This made the class laugh but Mrs Knee wasn't laughing.

English class was underway and the teacher had her back to the class who were sending friends notes which happened to be about the big party tonight and everyone was looking forward to.

"Is there going to be drink there Lolly?" Mona whispered to her best friend who nodded "oh hell yeah, everything you can imagine" Lolly whispered to Mona who smirked.

Lolly's phone went off with a loud beep "whose phone was that "Mrs Knee called out as she faced the class who all smirked as they knew she had no idea whose phone that was.

"Who's it from Lolly" Mona whispered s Mrs Knee turned back to the white board.

"Oh just my brother saying meet us at half 7 at the end of your road" Lolly closed the text message and closed her book looking at the clock when the bell rang to let them know English was over.

Mean while at the hospital Leanne stood waiting at the entrance for her patient. Slam went the swing doors.
" what have we got?" Leanne asked as she helped take the gurney down the corridor.

"Ok we have Rose 24 dizzy spell and slightly tacky cardic , with a laceration on the left side of her head, we gave 100 of saline and 10 or morphine , her BP is 117/ 80 and her gcs is 3 throughout "

"Thank you " The paramedic nodded and then she disappeared.

Mean while on the way home from school Mona and Lolly were laughing and cheering about tonight and how good it is going to be and what they are wearing. They said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. By the time Lolly got home her father was on the sofa.

Slam went the front door to let Neal know that his eldest daughter was home.

"Hi Lolly pops, good day at school" Neal called out.

"Yeah it was alright I suppose, school,is just school Dad" Lolly walked into the lounge to see her dad who she hugged.

Maddie walked through the door and shut it quietly " finally someone who knows how to shut the door" Neal said chuckling.

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