Chapter 28

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Leanne walked along the corridor and into the beak room, shut the door and just paced backwards and forwards mumbling to herself, she poured a strong back coffee and took sip.
" Ermm care to tell me what the hell was that back there?" Jesse said barging in not bothering to knock or announce himself.
" I don't know Jesse I don't know" Leanne's hands were shaking.
" don't lie to me Leanne it seemed like something was going on or shall I say back on with you and Neal" Leanne nearly spat out her coffee.
" don't be silly Jesse" Jesse eyed his best friend.
" it looked like you and Neal still have feelings for each other but are too afraid to admit it" Jesse asked raising his brow.
" Seriously Jesse, that's what you got from me accidentally touching Neal's hand, boy you have one imagination" Leanne shook her head and chuckled.
" what's so funny it's the truth, I saw it with my own eyes Leanne. The touch, the glances" Jesse walked closer to Leanne so he was now in front of her.
" whatever Jesse, we will always be close I mean we have children together for goodness sake " Leanne said placing her empty cup in the sink.
" don't get at me because you still love Neal" Leanne frowned " whatever Jesse....whatever gets you through the day then you keep thinking that" Jesse chuckled.
" if your not still in love with Neal then why are you  seriously trying to defend yourself this much" Leanne groaned " ugh okay yes I still love him okay, even though he ruined my life by taking my children away from me" Leanne said with feelings rushing to the surface.
" well it seems to me that Neal never wanted to let you go Leanne, he makes it clear every day. But your just too up yourself and to wrapped up in anger that you don't see it" Leanne chuckled.
" okay seriously Jesse whatever" Jesse sighed " it's true Leanne, he steals glances at you which you don't notice and the poor man does anything so he can work with you even if it's for a few minutes. I know love when I see it Leanne. That man still loves you and you love him so...god damn it Leanne don't be stupid and put the poor man out of his misery" Leanne was in shock.
Leanne was silent for a few minutes but she took those few minutes to look back and realise Jesse was right just because she wasn't paying attention at the time she may have missed Neal's subtle advances due to anger she still held against him for taking the children.
" Jesse....your right" Leanne said looking at the floor.
" I'm always right and don't you forget it" Jesse said
" what do I do now Jesse?" Leanne was stuck.
" don't do anything right now, wait for the right moment" Leanne thought about it.
" okay..." Leanne nodded.
" We better get back out there" Jesse said and together they left the break room and headed their separate ways.
Later on that day Maddie, Lauren and Jackson walked into the hospital and walked over to the nurses station.
" Hi, how can I help you guys?" The nurse asked obviously unaware who they were.
" do you know where are dad is?" The frowned.
" who's, your father?" The nurse asked poised ready to type in the name if he was a patient.
" don't worry Gabby I've got this" Jesse said walking over to them.
" Uncle Jesse" they cheered and the girls hugged him whilst Jackson and Jesse did their usual hand shake
" alright kids, who are you looking for?" He asked.
" were looking for dad" Jesse nodded.
" this way kids" Jesse pointed towards the double door that were kept shut only authorised personnel were allowed though with their ID badge.
They trailed behind Jesse glancing round the room not really bothered with what they saw because they grew up here.
" oh great moms coming our way" Lauren mumbled.
"Hi, everything okay?" Maddie and Jackson nodded whilst Lauren folded her arms across her chest. Jesse went of looking for Neal leaving Leanne with the kids.
" yeah everything is fine, dumb ass here for got his keys so, we can't get in" Maddie pointed to her brother.
" shut up, where are your own damn keys Miss perfect?" Jackson snapped.
" Please stop arguing" Leanne said.
"Is everything okay?" Neal said joining the conversation.
" I forgot my key and princess didn't bring hers" Jackson said gesturing to Maddie who glared at her brother.
" oh this my key and do not lose it got it?" Jackson reached out to take the key. Neal took the key further away from Jackson " seriously I mean it" Jackson took the key " I promise dad" Neal nodded " good" Neal glanced at Leanne and gave her a small smile and she just nodded.
" well I better get back to work" Leanne said turning to leave.
" bye, I love you all" Leanne said finally leaving.
Maddie nudged Lauren to go after her mother, sighing Lauren went after her mother.
" Mom....wait" Leanne turned round.
" is everything alright Lolly?" Lolly shifted in comfortably.
" I was wondering if I could get my phone back?" Leanne folded her arms across her chest.
" is that all you came here for? " Lauren thought about it.
" No not really....we needed a key and I thought might as well ask while I'm here" Lauren shrugged.
" No, no way. You clearly haven't learnt your lesson" Leanne turned to walk away.
" ugh you got to be  kidding....your like the worst parent ever" Leanne rolled her eyes " like I haven't heard that before" Lauren stormed off back to her father " ugh hate her she's totally got giving me my phone back" Lauren said easing her voice.
" Hey that's no way to speak about your mother" Neal snapped.
" I'm sorry....please Dad can you try to get her to give my phone back" Lauren pleaded.
" I will try but, I'm not promising anything, you know your mother" Lauren smiled and hugged her dad " thank you daddy" she said hugging him tight.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2017 ⏰

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