Chapter 12

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Several months later Leanne knew something was not right with her she became even snappier and taking it out on poor Neal and 2-year-old Jackson even got the brunt of it at times. She knew this feeling all too well and wanted to make sure she was right before telling Her husband. So she went to a local chemist, picked up a pregnancy test, and took the test at home, and after 3 minutes which felt like 5 hours, confirmed that she was in fact pregnant for the second time Leanne stood and stared at herself in the mirror unsure of how she felt.

Once Neal arrived home, he walked into the house with a tired and rather exhausted Leanne  trying to feed a screaming Jackson who was just not having any of it and Leanne was getting fed up and could not take anymore.

"Oh Jackson just eat it please" Leanne said holding the food in front of the little boy who held his mouth closed tight and shook his head "come on baby mommy hasn't had much sleep please just eat" tears were now falling from Leanne eyes as she tried so hard to keep it together.

"Lee?, what's wrong" Neal walked into from a rather long and tiring shift at the Hospital to hear his son screaming . He walked over to Leanne who just rushed past him and upstairs, slamming the door to their bedroom

Neal fed and put Jackson to bed before knocking softly of their bedroom door, when hearing no answer he opened the door to find Leanne curled up on the bed crying, walking over and puling Her into his arms "are you okay Leanne? You have been acting strangely for a few months" he was going to say something about her weight gain not that it bothered him but then realizing she probably wouldn't like that very much "You're not sick are you?" She shook her head Scott sighed in relief "so what's wrong I don't like you being upset"

"I'm pregnant Neal" She stood up in front of him

Neal was silent for a moment "Are you serious" Leanne nodded and Neal stood up and kissed Her hard on the lips then pulling her down on the bed with him. She could see how happy Her husband was because she knew he wanted another child a sibling for Jackson.


Leanne was now a few weeks away from giving birth but she continued to work even against Neal's  plea for her to stop but ignoring it she carried on and without knowing it putting a strain on their marriage which caused them to argue even more than they used to.

"Leanne, I am still trying to understand why you still chose to put our Childs life in danger"

"I have a job and the patients need me"

"I need you, Jackson and the baby need you, but you still chose to ignore that and we obviously don't mean anything to you do we?"

"That's not true, How dare you say that" Leanne barked

"When you can fit me and Jackson in your busy schedule we would like to spent time with you if that's alright"

"I'm free right now"

"I'm not talking about now I am talking about the times you choose your wonderful job over us," Neal said raising his voice.

They stopped arguing when they heard Jackson crying upstairs pushing past Him ,she walked up stairs and picked Jackson up giving him a kiss and slowly rocking him back and forth until she felt the sharp piercing pain in her lower abdomen.

"Ouch" She put Him back into his crib and took deep breath, which seemed to help but as the seconds went by the pain came back stronger and more painful.

Jackson began to scream again and Neal was shaking his head in anger knowing that His wife didn't have the mothers touch like he did with his son. He could no longer take the screams of Jackson so he stormed upstairs to see Leanne doubled over in pain and their son screaming in the crib.

"Leanne, what's wrong?" Neal ran over to Her and bent down placing a hand on her back

"I...I think the baby is... coming... ARRGGH" She cried out in pain

"Oh my god" Neal ran to get the phone "I'll call an ambulance"

"Neal there is no... ARGH ... time you will have to drive"

"oh god" He picked up Jackson and then with his free hand helped His wife get up but half way down the stairs She stopped "what is it" He began to panic.

"My waters just broke" He looked at Her, which did not help them both out very much

Once in the car He called Jesse to meet them at the hospital so he could watch Jackson.

"Leanne,are you okay?" Jesse took His godson from His father as he met them out the front of the hospital

"Oh yeah haven't been better" Leanne spat sarcastically at her bestfriend holding her stomach,


Leanne was wheeled into the maternity unit where she was put on to a bed and the midwife wanted to check the baby's heart beat and make sure everything is alright with both mother and baby.

the midwife scanned Her stomach "Oh" she said a little loudly.

"WHAT , WHAT IS IT?" She said panicking.

"were you informed that your child could possibly have congenital heart disease" Leanne and Neal shook their heads.

"no one mentioned it to us and the 5 week scan looked normal" Neal said holding His wife's shaky hand.

"Okay, I need you to stay calm because all this stress isn't good for you or the baby" the midwife said giving them both a reassuring nodded.

After several hours of painful labour Leanne was ready to give birth.

"Hi Dr Rorish or may I call you Leanne?" Leanne nodded " okay sweet I'm Anne and I will be your midwife and you are more than ready to meet your little girl, so one nice big push Okay sweetheart" Anne said bending down to see that the she was crowning.

"Come on Leanne baby you can do it" Neal said holding her hand encouraging her every time she pushed.

"Well done, one last push and then the baby is here," Anne, said holding half of the baby until Leanne pushed once more.

"I can't do it; I can't "Leanne moaned with tears streaming down her sweaty and pale face.

"You can do it Lee" Neal said holding on to Leanne's hand not seeing her back down at anything.

"I can't believe you did this to me Neal, if you do this to me ARGH ... ever again I will kill you" Leanne screamed before she did one last big push and the room was filled with a baby's cry.

"Would you like to cut the umbilical cord daddy?" He nodded and walked over to Anne and cut the cord.

"You did it, you are amazing Lee" He walked back over to Her and kissed Her on the lips and she kissed back weakly.

"There is your lovely healthy daughter weighing 6lb 2oz "Anne handed the baby over to Leanne who looked at her little girl a sleep and comfortable in her mother's arms.

"Lauren" Leanne said looking at the little bundle in her arms

"Lauren.... "Neal Looked at his daughter "It is perfect so now we have a Jackson and a Lauren. Well done I'm so proud of you"

soon enough Lauren was taken away from her parents where she was rushed off for tests which later confirmed that Lauren did indeed have a form of congenital Heart Disease.

this meant that Lauren was not aloud home until everything was confirmed by the pediatric cardiologist which would take a few days to keep her monitored.

Leanne and Neal went home empty handed without their daughter who was left behind in the hospital.
~A couple of weeks later~
soon enough it was time to collect Lauren from the hospital. They were informed that Lauren's heart valves were not properly formed which meant that there maybe holes between the chamber of her heart which would mean that she would need to be monitored closely and that she shouldn't do anything to excessive such sports or even dance which they both excepted, happy that they got their daughter back and if that meant keeping her from doing sorts then so be it.

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