Chapter 21

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Leanne woke up early this morning because today was a special day for Leanne, today was the day she would get a second chance with her children, so getting out of bed wasn't a difficult task, ready in half an hour she walked into the kitchen a made herself a rather large cup of coffee.

It was now time to leave if she did not want to be late; Leanne took a deep breath as she was starting to feel the nerves kick in then grabbed the car keys, locking the door on her way out. Leanne was lucky to get a space outside the cafe so she locked the car, rushed across the road and sat at a table in the corner of the room

"Can I get anything for you?" a young waitress came up to Leanne a few minutes after she had seated

"A cup of coffee please" the waitress nodded at her then left

A few minutes later Maddie walked in on her own with no Lolly or Jackson in sight, walking calmly over to her mother who smiled at her daughter and looked her over seeing how beautiful she looked and how grown up she looked in her school uniform.

"Hey Maddie, where's your brother and sister?" Leanne said glancing around.

"Hi, Lolly didn't want to come after what you did yesterday and Jackson had extra football practice or something I don't know " Maddie said nervously placing her bag on the floor as she sat down opposite Leanne.

"Oh Okay, please tell Lolly I'm sorry, so are you hungry? "Maddie shrugged and Leanne was not sure what to say next so she grabbed the menu and began to look at the options available. Maddie picked up the menu and looked at the delicious options.

"So how was school?" Leanne asked as she looked up from the menu.

"Is that all you came here for is to ask me about school?" Maddie frowned.

"No, of course not, do you have a boyfriend?" Leanne asked and Maddie shook her head, a waitress came back with Leanne's coffee.

"Are you ready to order?"

"Yes I think so" Leanne smiled once they placed their orders; they sat in silence until Leanne spoke up breaking the silence.

"So, who was that boy I saw Lolly kiss yesterday?"

"I don't know" Maddie shrugged again.

"How long have they been together?"

"Can't we talk about something else please?" Maddie pleaded. Their food arrived as they ate quietly for a few minutes.

"Why are you asking all these questions anyway?" Maddie asked before sipped her drink.

"There's so much I want to know" Leanne smiled sadly, as she had missed so much of her children's lives

"Why? You never cared before" Maddie said looking rather confused.

"That's not true" Maddie shook her head.

"You haven't even asked me once how I feel it's all Lolly this and Jackson that" Maddie said looking down at her food that she was now playing with.

"I'm sorry, how do you feel?" Leanne asked

"I feel as though I can't breathe and Lolly well let's just say you're not in her good books, so just back off. Look I'm not ready for this, we aren't ready for this so, I'm just going to go thanks for lunch" Maddie got up out of her seat grabbed her bag and left the cafe leaving her mother stunned, Leanne sighed as she felt hurt and upset that she had hurt Them and that Maddie Thought she was pushing her and putting too much pressure on her when all Leanne wanted to do was to get to know both her children again who she had lost to the divorce.

Give your heart a break (Code Black fan fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz