Chapter 20

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-A few days after Lolly's birthday-

Leanne arrived at centre stage, which turned out to be double gun shots  "You got here fast where were you" Jesse asked as he held open is arms for her step past.

"I was closing up on a few patients paper work"

"At this hour you need to get a life" Jesse shook his head Leanne carried on walking around

Leanne bent down to looking at the first patient "what have we got here?" Dr Guthrie had the linda the other patient covered.

Jesse cleared his throat "Dave Paiseki, 23, and Linda Chapman 22 both shot arm, Dave's BP 140/80 , GCS 8 through out, 10mls of morphine administered at scene along with 100mls of saline witnesses just a hiker who found them this morning and called it in"

Leanne looked at the couple and sighed "So young"

"Dr Rorish, how nice to see you again" Mark said approaching the trolley

"Mark all most sound sincere" Leanne chuckled.

"I'd hate to breakup this little reunion but,,we have patients to treat" Jesse said bringing  Leanne back to the present. Once the patients were stable and taken to an OR Leanne dug her cell out of her Pocket only to feel the numbness take over her hand, which makes Leanne drop the phone on the ground "Damn it" Leanne, picks up the phone and tried to bring back the feeling in her hands by wriggling her fingers

"You Ok?" Jesse asks seeing the look on Leanne's face

"Yeah my hands are acting up again" Leanne dials Maddie's mobile number.

"Mom" Maddie asks

"Maddie HI, I was hoping to get you before school"

"Uh, Dad's waiting outside with Lolly and Jackson in the car"

"Oh" Leanne says at little down Neal honks the car horn "I gotta go. Um, I am Late"

"I just wanted to know if you and Lolly and maybe Jackson wanted to get together after school today maybe have lunch or go shopping"

"Uh, I have riding after school, Jackson has football practice and Lolly has a prep rally tonight"

"Uh, Tomorrow? We could have lunch. Twist is right by the school," Leanne asks hoping the answer would be yes. Jesse raises his eyebrows at Leanne.

"Uh" Neal honks the car horn again and Lolly Yells out "Maddie come on hurry up we are going to be so late"

"Maddie?" Leanne asked after hearing a rather large pause, Maddie looks round nervously

"Uh... Ok, but I gotta go. Bye, Mom" Maddie hung up.

Leanne puts the phone down "Lunch?" Jesse asks confused and Leanne smiles

"Remember you told me to give Lolly something from my heart the other day for her birthday?" Jesse nods "well I gave the key to my apartment and when I came home later Maddie, Jackson and Lolly left me piece of the birthday cake" seeing the confused look on Jesse's face she continued "The point is they are giving me another chance"

Jesse sighed "Well, Glad to hear it but, just take it slow, Okay?" Leanne just rolled her eyes and got into the car


Later that evening Leanne and Jesse pull up outside the school to hear the crowds cheering loudly "are you sure this is a good idea?" Jesse asks, Leanne got out of the car with Jesse following behind as they walked through the gate to stop and watch the crowd cheering and then the cheerleaders came rushing in cheering and kicking their legs. Leanne spotted Lolly with her long dark brown hair with a large cheer bow in her hair. Jesse placed his hand on Leanne's shoulder making her turn round "I don't think it's a good idea being here" Leanne smirks, walks closer to the group, and rests her arm on the bar watching them. Jesse shook his head knowing this was not going to go to well.

"Let's go pirates" the cheerleaders call out with their hands in the air as they call out to the crowd.

Lolly and squad set up as the music starts and they perform their cheer. Lolly being the main flyer she was lifted high into the hair were she pulled her leg behind into the scorpion pose, then a double twist and then into cradle and the crowd go wild as she lands into the bases arms, Leanne smiles with pride as she watches Lolly do a round off backhand spring full twist.

The cheer team clap and cheer, "Let's go Pirates " and then put their hand above their eye brow as if they we saluting ,which is their signature.

"When we say go, you say fight "the cheerleaders call out and do their signature pose.

The cheer team shout "Go" and the crowd shout "Fight " a couple of times and then the cheer team bring it in and stand in their finishing poses and the crowd go wild and the cheer team say " Pacific vista pirates" then do their pirate pose again.

Once the cheer was finished, the footballers came out cheering, Leanne spotted Jackson and the crowd went wild one of Jackson's team mate rushes up to Lolly and Lolly jumps in to his arms, he spins her around, and Lolly laughs places a kiss on her his cheek.
" oh boy that isn't going to end well" Jesse says screwing up his face.

"Lolly isn't that your mom?" Mona chuckles seeing Leanne standing there watching Lolly, Lolly turns to see her mother there "I thought you weren't talking to her?"

"OMG, what is she doing here?" Lolly jumps down from Chad's arms "I will be right back go get them Chad, go Pirates " Lolly smiles and rushes over to her mother "Mom" Lolly says shocked to see her "what are you doing here, Maddie told me about lunch tomorrow so I thought I wasn't meant to meet you until tomorrow?" Lolly barks

"I just wanted... I just thought I would come and see you and Jackson in action"Leanne smiles

"No, Mom you didn't think at all, you never do just because you gave me a key to your apartment doesn't mean I forgave you for never being there god why can't you leave me alone" Lolly runs back to her friends and starts to muck around. Lolly looked back to see her mother slowly walk away over to Jesse looking defeated and hurt, as they got into the car Leanne looked at Jesse.

"Don't say a word" Leanne moves her glare to the window

"just give her time she will calm down everything will get better Leanne you just have to take it slow-"

"Please just shut up!" Leanne half shouted not wanting to be reminded of how bad of a mother she possibly was.

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