Chapter 19

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Leanne woke up to the sound of her alarm clock blaring so slamming her hand down on top of the of it stopping the noise she stretched, yawned then dragged herself out of bed, as today was a special day for her eldest daughter Lauren who she had seen off and on over the past 5 years after the divorce. Leanne smiled to herself as she made her bed and got ready for work.
Leanne walked into the hospital building and headed to her locker where she changed and quickly looked round to see if she was alone and luck was on her side today, it was quiet so, she picked up her phone and dialled Lauren's number.

"What do you want Lee?" Neal said at the other end of the phone.

"Neal?, what are you doing at the kids school?" Leanne asked confused "I'm not at the school. I confiscated Lauren's phone for her cheek last night any way why are you calling Lolly's phone?"

"Well you screen my calls to the house" Neal chuckled "you know, the phone works both ways Lee they could call you if they wanted to"

"Why would they want to I'm the bad guy aren't I?" Leanne paused "I would like to come to Lolly's birthday please"

Neal sighed, "Look Lee, we've been through this. You know you're not invited"

"Wait a minute-"

"You lost them just like you lost me"

"I just want to-"

"I'm sorry I gotta go" Neal interrupted

"At least let me-"the line went dead "talk to her" Leanne sighed

Once she had her dose of coffee, she headed towards the reception desk with a slight smile on her face and nothing was going to spoil this special day.

"Some one's happy this morning," Jesse said as Leanne winked at him as she walked towards him.

" what's got you all happy ?" Jesse said nudging her gently in the ribs.
" it's Lolly's birthday today" Leanne said smiling.
"I knew that, I thought maybe someone might of had their wicked way with you" Leanne burst out laughing " please don't make me laugh" Leanne smirked.
" you'd soon know if they had" Leanne said with a huge smirk upon her face as she picked up the first case file.
" ugh too much information" Jesse said shaking his head.
" I don't know what to get Lolly for her birthday"Leanne sighed
" how about a...bicycle? Nothing says fun like a bicycle" Jesse shrugged.
" has to be something more from the heart" Leanne  began to think.
" what did your dad get you when you were Lolly's age?" Leanne smiled at the memory.
" he got me a key" Jesse frowned " a key just a key?" Leanne chuckled " not just any key , it was a key to his shed and only he was aloud to go in there until he gave me my key on my 12th birthday and it was special and meant a lot to me" Jesse nodded to show he understood.
" I know what I am getting her, thanks Jesse" Leanne said hugging her best friend before heading over to her patient.

Lolly woke up to hear the sound of singing so she got up out of bed and opened her door to see outside the doorway her dad , sister and brother singing happy birthday to her at the top of their lungs

"Happy birthday sweet heart" Neal said before embracing her into a bone-crushing hug.

"Thanks Dad but your sort of crushing me" then smiling sweetly "any chance of letting me have my phone back?"

Neal let go of her "I don't think so young lady after the way you spoke to me last night" before she could say anything Lolly was soon crushed again by her younger sister Maddie who wrapped her arms round her and hugged her tight.
" Happy birthday Lollypops" Jackson said also hugging his sister.
" thanks Jackson" Lolly said smiling at her big brother.
"Thanks Maddz, I better get ready for school," Lolly said letting go of her sister and slowly went back into her room.

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