Chapter 4

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~A month later ~
Leanne stood at reception desk hunting for her patients notes but not having any luck as it was complete mess " how hard is it to keep this damn place tidy?" Leanne snapped lifting sheets of paper and patients records.
" someone's not in a good mood today?" Jesse said appearing at her side.
" it's not funny Jesse I can't find my patient in bed 4's notes" Jesse glanced at the desk.
" how about these" Jesse said holding up a wad of patients details.
" yes, thank you Mama" Leanne snatched the notes out of his hand.
" manner doesn't cost much Leanne" Jesse snapped before walking away.
Neal had just finished with his patient when he passed Jesse " I wouldn't bother heading that away for a while, Leanne's in a mood" Jesse said shaking head at Neal in passing.
Neal walked over towards the reception desk where Leanne stood signing sheet after sheet of paper work.
Neal tossed his patients notes messily into the discharge pile making Leanne jump " I hear your in a mood?" Leanne didn't bother to look up.
" ugh for goodness sake I am fine, you can't find one piece of paper work and show one ouch of aggression and the whole freaking places knows about it" Leanne snapped.
" Woah! Calm down. Look I was going to ask if you wanted to come round mine tonight like a date as we haven't officially been on a date yet" Neal said moving closer to Leanne.
Leanne stepped back from Neal which hurt Him " I take that as a no" Neal leant across in front of Leanne and reach out for his next patients notes.
" look I'm just not ready for everyone to know about us so, can we just keep the whole thing between us for now and keep the touchy-feely to a minimum?" Neal nodded.
" okay got it " Neal smiled at Leanne before he headed over to the seating area to call out his next patient " Neal wait" Leanne said rather loudly but worked it Made Neal stop dead in his tracks " Yes" Neal smiled because he knew what Leanne was referring to.
As soon a Leanne's shift had finished she headed to her Locker where she changed out of her scrub bottoms and folded  it into a neat pile and reached out for her skinny jeans and slid them up her legs. The door opened and in walked Neal with a huge smile on his face " what's got you grinning like a Cheshire Cat?" Leanne said sliding of her scrub top and neatly folding her top and placing it in her locker.
" I have a date with my girl" Neal said with a huge smirk on his face.
Neal walked over to Leanne and wrapped his strong arms round her from behind "Neal? What if someone comes in?" Leanne said leaning her head back against him so she was looking up at him.
" no one is coming in" Neal said placing soft kisses down Leanne's neck.
" Neal...." Leanne said feeling herself getting turned on but knew it had to stop after all this was her place of work.
" Neal as much as I am enjoying this I think we better get going" Leanne said loosening his grip from around her.

Neal was in his room getting ready when he heard a knock at the door.

"welcome to my humble abode so, glad you could make it please come in" Neal smiled

" you look....beautiful" Neal said taking giving her the once over.

Leanne kissed his cheek "thank you so much for inviting me over wow something smells good"

Neal lead Leanne into the kitchen "yes well I do have a talent in the kitchen"  Neal opened a bottle of wine and poured a glass and handed it to Leanne .

"Thank you" she took a sip "I didn't know You could cook?"

"well, maybe we could get to know each other a bit more throughout dinner" Neal smirked

Neal went up to Leanne and kissed her on the cheek  "you really do look beautiful Leanne" he smiled "oh and these are for you" Neal handed a bunch of red roses

"Thank you" Leanne blushed

after an hour drinking wine and chatting dinner was ready "you to sit while I serve up" Neal ordered as he went into the kitchen to plate up

"So, what are we having?" Leanne asking moving from the sofa to the dining table

"steak au Poivre"

"sounds fancy" Leanne sated which made Neal chuckle and Leanne laughed god how he loved to hear her laugh

"I am so happy I get to have you all to myself" Neal winked as he brought the plates over and Leanne smiled.

"wow that was amazing Neal" Leanne delicately wiped the corners of her  mouth with the napkin and placed it on her empty plate.

"thank you, could I have another drink?" Leanne smiled as she got up

"sure but let me get it" Neal got up and went to pick it up only to knock the bottle of wine over onto Leanne's  new dress

Leanne shirked as she stood up

"oh my I'm so sorry Leanne here let me clean it up" Neal panicked and started to wipe the spilled wine

" what is it with you and spelling drinks over me?" Leanne said trying to laugh it off.

Leanne sniffed  "It's.. Fine really" but the tears in her eyes told Neal something completely different

"oh Leanne I'm so sorry I'll buy you a new one"

"no Neal really it's not the dress I have to tell you something thought I...."

before she could say anymore Neal had covered his lips with hers which Leanne accepted, Neal ran his fingers threw her hair as Leanne pulled him closer to her they stay like this until air was needed Neal looked at Leanne and wiped her tears away and whispered "you're so beautiful" He swept Leanne off her feet which made Her squeal and he carried her to his bedroom and gently placed her on his bed and crawled on top of her  and continued the passionate kissing that happened just minutes before.

Leanne broke the kiss and asked, "Have you always loved me?"

Neal looked deep into her eyes which earn't him a look from Leanne  " yes I have always loved you and always will"

Leanne grabbed Neal's shirt and pulled him down to continue their kiss and other fun activities.

Leanne fell asleep in Neal's strong and welcoming arms with her head resting on his chest. Neal watched as Leanne drifted off into a deep sleep in his arms knowing how lucky he was right now. Neal placed a soft and tender kiss on the top of Leanne's head, which made Her, frown in her sleep and snuggled closer to him.

Neal must have drifted off to sleep because the next thing he knew he woke up confused where he was until he looked down and smiled seeing Leanne still in his arms fast asleep. Neal watched Leanne's chest rise and fall slowly as she slept and a smile crept across his face.

Give your heart a break (Code Black fan fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon