Chapter 3

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Jesse smirked as he watched Neal put everything back into his locker " nice to have you back now let's get back to it" Jesse said patting Neal on the back " I have one thing I need to do" Jesse knew what Neal was talking about and he was not willing to be any part of it.
Neal marches out of the locker room and down the corridor towards the emergency reception desk " you...have you seen Leanne?" He asked a nurse rather abruptly.
" first of all you don't summon my attention that way and yeah I have seen her she's in her office" Neal didn't apologise he just stormed towards Leanne's office.
" what an handsome asshole" the nurse mumbled under her breath watching Neal walk away.
Neal barged into Leanne's office Leanne looked up hearing the door burst open and slam against the wall " what are you doing Neal I thought you left us?" Leanne said
" that's the thing Leanne I did leave but, I thought no I am not letting anyone or anything get the best of me" Leanne nodded " okay well if that's all" Neal couldn't believe how rude Leanne was being.
" aren't you the least bit sorry for the way you have been acting and it was you who made me want to leave" Leanne got up out of her chair and walked towards Neal " you have been rude to me since day one all because I spilt some coffee and saw maybe a bit more than I meant to in the break room" Leanne chuckled " don't flatter yourself that is not it at all" Leanne snapped
" A DOCTOR WHO WILL NOT STOP AT ANYTHING TO KEEP HER PATIENTS ALIVE THATS WHO!!!!, I think it's best you get the hell out of my office Neal" Leanne said fed up with all the arguing.
Jesse shook his head as he listened outside the door, Jesse poked his head round the door just in time to see Leanne walk past Neal who grabbed Leanne's wrist as she struggled to get loose from his tight grip.
" what the hell are you doing let go of me NOW! " Leanne said sternly.
Neal pulled Leanne even closer so they were inches apart and Leanne was still trying to get away but she was not having much luck, Neal gazed into Leanne's dark brown eyes that were now filled with slight fear and this hurt Neal. Neal licked his lips seconds before he crushed her lips with his own. This took Leanne by surprise but she even surprised herself when she kissed him back.
Jesse cleared his throat making Leanne and Neal jump a part "Ermm...everything alright in here? I'm not interrupting anything am I?" Jesse raised his eye brow at Leanne who looked all flustered then at Neal who shifted uncomfortably under Jesses gaze.
" I think I better go" Neal stuttered " yeah I think that's best son" Neal took one last look at Leanne before he left the room but Leanne wouldn't look at him she shifted her gaze to the floor.
Once Neal had left Jesse walked over towards Leanne gently placing a hand on her arm " what was that all about?" Leanne sighed " not now Jesse please I need a friend" Leanne placed her hands on her forehead.
" I am here as a friend but, what the hell Leanne?"
" I don't know...I don't know Jesse" Leanne was confused.
" okay" Jesse wasn't sure what to say " it will be alright Leanne, I was wondering why did you kiss him back?" Leanne shrugged " I don't know why Jesse that's all I can say" Jesse gave her a weak smile.
" come on daddy let's put it behind us for now and let's get the rest of today out the way"
" I don't know if I can go back out there Jesse, how can I face him after well you know" Leanne was really confused but the real question was why did she kiss him back ?and why did she enjoy it?.
" you're gonna have to go back out there sooner or later Leanne" Jesse didn't like seeing this vulnerable side to his best friend who usually was the rock out of the two of them.
" you're right I can't just let one silly kiss get the better of me" Leanne pulled her self up and walked to the door of her office where she and Jesse did their famous fist bump, Leanne walked with purpose out of her office and out on the ER floor.
" there's the Daddy I know, daddy back in the house" Jesse and Leanne walked along the corridor and through the famous double doors to the emergency department. Neal was at the reception desk filing in his paper work when Leanne walked over to the reception desk with Jesse.

~A several months later ~
" Leanne?" Neal whispered.
" I'm busy Neal" Neal sighed " look I'm sorry for what happened a few months ago and what I said and well did" Jesse shook his head.
" look Son, I think that's enough about it, it's forgotten"
" look I know I was in the wrong but, I am not sorry it happened but, I will continue to give you space if it's what you want" Neal said picking up his file taking one last glance at Leanne before walking walking away. It crushed his heart when she refused to look up at him which he found confusing because after all she did kiss him back.
All through their shift like they had done for several months Neal and Leanne kept their distance until they had to work together when a patient today was radioed over so, Neal, Leanne and Jesse rushed towards the entrance entrance whilst gloving up and tying throw away gowns around their necks.
" what have we got Jessica?" Leanne asked reaching out for a side bar for her hold so she could help wheel her towards centre stage.
" okay we have Jane Doe approximately 16 years old,drug user she has old track marks on both arms, found at scene after being hit by a car who hit and run. We have given her 10 mils of oxycodone along with 100mls of saline administered at scene. BP has rocked up to 190/ 70 and still is rising, her GCS is 9 she has been in and out of consciousness, multiple abrasion and contusions with query pelvis fracture along with multiple rib fractures and possible left humorous and nasty tib and fib fracture with no pulse in the left foot"
" poor girl she had no chance" Neal muttered
" centre stage right now please" Leanne snapped
" Jesse I need CT, full blood gases U's,ES and LFT'S, Ortho consult and ultra sound" Jesse nodded and went to work.
" ugh she's crashing, crash cart now!" Neal barked
Neal began chest compressions whilst they waited for the crash cart to arrive. Neal had been doing chest compressions for ten minutes now after shocking the patient 2 times.
" push one more round of epi" Neal demanded
Leanne placed her hand on Neal's arm " she's gone Neal" Neal looked at Into Leanne's dark brown eyes that were full of sadness she, was clearly fighting to hold back the tears he could see that.
" I am going to call it" Leanne said glancing at the large clock on the wall " any objections?" Nobody spoke up and Leanne took this as a no " Time of death 07:08am" Neal stepped back from the body to look at the lifeless body of this teenage girl who was pretty and too young to die. She would never get to fall in love or hold the hand of a boy. Leanne looked at Neal and together their eyes lingered and it was then that Neal could see the single tear slipping down her cheek. Leanne took of her gloves and tossed them on the floor before walking off with a tears falling silently down her cheek.
" she was too young" Jesse said glancing at the young girl on the bed and Neal nodded not really concentrating his mind was on Leanne.
" you really care about her don't you?" Neal nodded.
" go after her" Neal didn't need telling twice. Neal had not known Leanne long but he already knew all the things that made her who she was and he knew exactly where to find her.
Neal got into the elevator his heart pounding in his chest he pushed the basement button and waited until it dinged indicating he could get out. Neal got out the elevator and turned right which took him deep into the basement where they kept the spare supplies. It was there that he found Leanne sitting on an old gurney letting her legs swing backwards and forwards with dry tears stains on her cheeks with traces of fresh tears clearly visible on cheeks.
Neal got onto the gurney next to Leanne and together they sat in an uncomfortable silence until Leanne began to sob. Neal placed his arm gently around her shoulders pulling her into him " shhh it's okay Leanne" Neal soothed.
" she won't get to fall in love or ever have a family of her own, she was just too young to die Neal. It hit me hard because I realise I am alone and nobody would even know I was gone......Maybe you were right maybe I'm not cut out for this job anymore " Leanne sobbed.
" Hey don't talk crazy, you are not alone...You've got me Leanne I am not going anywhere"
" thank you that's sweet Neal but, I am still alone I am still single and still no children to love or to love me back" Neal sighed.
" well...I like to think I can change that" Leanne's head shot up " what do you mean?" Neal subconsciously licked his lips before he spoke.
" what I am trying to say is...I love you Leanne I always have since I laid eyes on you well spilt my coffee on you and well if you will have me I want to be the one to love you the way you deserve. I want to be the one you turn to and to hold you tight at night knowing that you are mine" Leanne gently moved out of Neal's comforting arms so she was looking up at him in complete shock.
" I know it's a lot to take in but I can't just sit here and watch helplessly as you break down like this, when all I want to do is hold you and tell you everything will be okay" Leanne replied the only way she knew how.
She moved closer to Neal so they were inches apart, she looked into his dark brown eyes and gently placed a kiss upon his lips which Neal deepened.
They pulled away seconds later after feeling breathless " that a yes then?" Neal asked.
" Yes" Leanne said resting her head against his chest " I love you" Leanne said softly.

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