Chapter 27

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Lauren slowly opened her eyes taking in her surroundings, she glanced round not recognising where she was until a she had a flash back of yesterdays events.
" oh great, I've got to face 'her' " Lauren grumbled, stretched and yawned.
Glancing at the clock which read 6:30 am, Lauren laid in bed just staring up at the ceiling dreading the moment she had to get up and face the music as it were.
Time wasn't on her time today because before she knew it she had to get up and to face her mother.
Lauren got up and slowly opened her bedroom door and took a deep breath before she walked along the landing and headed down stairs glancing in the lounge not seeing her mother which only meant she was only one more place so, Lauren walked gingerly to the kitchen and poked her head round the door.
Leanne stood facing Lauren with her arms folded and an eyebrow raised.
" good I was wondering when you were going to get up" Leanne gestured to the dining table for Lauren to join her.
Lauren walked to the table and took a seat.
" so want to tell me about last night?" Lauren shook her head " not really I was hoping you'd forget" Lauren chuckled nervously.
" this isn't a laughing matter Lauren your friend nearly died last night, now you will tell me what happen or I will ground  you for the rest of the week" Leanne said in her stern Dr voice.
" you can't ground me, you and dad aren't together anymore so if you say I'm grounded well I'm not because it isn't a joint decision" Lauren said folding her arms across her chest.
" oh want to bet, your father will not be happy and he is just as angry at you as much as I am so, I'm sure he will support my decision in this and the same goes for your brother also" Leanne said forcefully.
" just because your slowly in our lives again doesn't me you can act all motherly when you never cared before" Lauren spat.
" Lauren" Leanne was shocked " that's not true" Leanne said shaking her head.
" pfft whatever could have fooled me" Lauren said turning her head from her mother.
" look I know you blame me for the divorce and as much as you hate this , I am still your mother" Leanne said as a taster of factly.
" boy don't I know It ,look just yell at me or do what hell you want I'm done" Lauren jumped up from her seat only to hear Leanne shout " sit down now!" Lauren didn't need telling twice she sat straight down.
" Lauren please all I want is to find out what Happened yesterday that is all" Lauren sighed " promise to not say anything but just listen" Leanne thought about it before nodding to show she agreed.
" okay, me, Alisha, Dylan Jackson and his friend went to a party and well we had a few drinks and we'll things started off okay and then I got shoved to the floor  hitting my head and then everything went black" Lauren let a single tear slip down her cheek. " I then woke up in the same spot, I got up walked round to find the girls and then the police came but, I don't know I mean Alisha must have taken it when I passed out because I don't remember seeing her take anything  in front of me" Lauren shrugged.
" that's it I swear okay?" Leanne eyed her daughter " okay, you better get ready for school" Lauren nodded wiping her eyes.
Lauren got up from the table and headed back upstairs. Once Lauren had gone upstairs Leanne let out a huge sigh and held her head in her hands for a few minutes before she herself got ready for work.
Lauren got in the shower and let the warm water wash over her and wash away yesterday troubles. Once she was out of the shower she changed into her cheer uniform that she kept at her moms. Lauren put her hair into a high ponytail with a large cheer bow.

Once Leanne was changed so, she headed down stairs to wash up and tidy the kitchen whilst she waited for Lauren. After 10 minutes Leanne was ready to go so she called out for Lauren " lolly are you ready to go?" She shouted at the bottom of the stairs.
" coming just grabbing my bag" Lauren yelled back.
Seconds later Lauren came rushing down the stairs where,Leanne stood waiting and ready to go.
" have you got everything?" Leanne asked Lauren who nodded " I think so" they left the house and headed to school.
The drive to school was a quiet one, Leanne pulled up outside the school gates and they sat in silence for a few minutes.
" thanks for the ride" Lauren said quietly.
" your welcome, look I know your still upset" Leanne said glancing at Lauren.
" damn right I am, look can I just get my cell phone back?" Leanne thought about it before she answered.
" Lauren I told you yesterday you can't have it until I say you can and until I have spoken your father" Leanne said shook her head.
" ugh I hate you, you are so unfair" Lauren groaned as she opens the car door, climbed out and slammed the door rather hard.
hospital, pulling into her usual space she got out the car and grabbed her bag before locking the car and heading into her second home.
Leanne walked down the hall like she had done many times before and headed to the locker room where she changed into fresh scrubs and tied her long dark hair up into a clip and placed her stethoscope around her neck and headed out on to the emergency floor.
" good morning Dr Rorish" Leanne sighed " is it? Is it really?" She said sarcastically to Jesse who raised an eye brow. At Leanne.
" Oh joy your going to be fun to be around" Jesse asked letting out a huge sigh.
" have you seen Neal?" Leanne asked coldly.
" he's in the break room" Leanne didn't need telling twice " Leanne?" Jesse called out but it was too late.
" oh boy that is not going to end well" Jesse mumbled to himself.
Leanne marched into the break room " what the hell happened last night Neal?" Leanne barked making Neal nearly choke on is coffee.
" Well hello to you too Leanne" Neal got got up off the coach and walked over to Leanne.
" listen Leanne, I was told they were studying and I had no reason to not believe them so, I don't why your going off on my right now? They could have done it to and yet I still wouldn't be yelling at you no matter how mad I was" Neal said.
" if was on your watch Neal you should have asked more questions, I've grounded Lauren and taken her phone of her and I want you to agree with me on that" Leanne folded her arms across her chest.
" of course I agree with you grounding them after last nights events but, I still don't understand why you are blaming me" Neal sighed .
Before they could continue their conversation their pagers went of and they both rushed out the door and over towards the ER entrance.
" we'll  continue this later" Leanne said glancing at Neal.
The EMTs brought in a young girl no older than Lauren who had been involved in a RTC, Neal and Leanne took either side of the gurney " centre stage" Leanne said sternly.
They place the young girl in a bay in centre stage and begin treating her.
" breath sounds not equal bilateral, her left lung is full with fluid" Neal said listening to her chest.
" she gonna need a chest drain" Leanne said nodding for Neal to do it.
" I'll do it but you will assist me Leanne" Neal said firmly.
Jesse prepared the tray with the equipment they would be needing. Neal prepared the left side of the girls chest for the chest drain.
Neal counted the ribs, feeling the right spot he did a small cut and put his finger in the while to widen it for the tube.
" tube please Leanne" Leanne handed Neal the tube and he slowly placed it in the girls chest. Feeling happy it went okay Neal let go of the tube only to her the girls vitals dropping by the seconds.
" Neal?" Leanne snapped
" Neal?" She tried again
" Neal listen to my voice" Leanne whispered softly into his ear
" take the tube gently, it is only stuck in the fatty tissue so gently" Leanne placed her hand on top of Neal's " we gently pull" they both pulled together gently and the girls vitals went back up.
Neal and Leanne looked into each other's eyes, Jesse cleared his throat clearly feeling the chemistry between the two.
Leanne brought herself back to reality and started checking the poor girl over whilst Neal glanced at her every now and again " this poor girl has server internal bruising, her abdomen is ridged" Leanne reach out tenderly feeling the girls swollen stomach.
Neal reach towards the girls stomach with his stethoscope unfortunately Leanne reached out at the same time and their hands touched once agin sending a tingling feeling down Leanne's spine and butterflies in her stomach. Leanne could feel herself blush so she yanked her hand away " I think you've got this Neal" Leanne said turning away and and leaving Neal behind.

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