Chapter 26

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Leanne headed towards Alisha's bed her daughters friend who was now in the side cubical as she was finally out of the danger stage at the moment but needed constant watching.
" kids" Jesse said shaking his head.
" I know, sometimes I wonder why I had them but, then I am glad I did even if it's at times like this" Leanne said softly as she glanced at Alisha's vitals.
" Lolly was just rebelling Leanne, I mean didn't you rebel at this age? Especially when your parents told you not to?" Leanne glanced at Jesse and didn't answer.
"come on Leanne it's not like your a saint, Lolly didn't take any herself, so cut her a bit of slack, yes I know she was wrong for lying to you and Neal" Jesse said before walking away leaving Leanne to think about what he said.
Leanne left Alisha in the Capable hands of Angus whilst she phoned Neal. Leanne walked along the corridor and down to the locker room went straight to her locker and unlocked it. She dug deep into her bag for her cell phone.
" Hello?" Neal asked sounding half a sleep.
" oh I'm sorry did I wake you?" Leanne asked sarcastically.
" what do you want Leanne, you haven't got the kinds until the weekend?" Leanne chucked
" oh no? How come I have Lolly here with me tonight on a school Night Neal?" Leanne yelled down the phone at Neal.
" what? No you don't Leanne don't be silly" Neal joked.
" Neal I am serious, I want to know how I have ended up with Lolly and her friends here in Angles" Neal didn't know what to say.
" omg Is lolly okay?" Leanne sighed " Lolly is fine but, seriously Neal what the hell" Leanne snapped once again.
" look Leanne you know I can't talk you when your like this, so we will talk tomorrow?" Leanne was fuming.
" Ermmm so what do you want to do about Lolly tonight?" Leanne shook her head in bewilderment at her ex-husbands forgiveness.
" can you take her for tonight and drop her to school in the morning?, I have to work the early shift tomorrow" Neal asked.
"Fine Neal but as soon as I get to work we will be talking" there was a few minutes silence.
At that second Jackson walked through the door alone.
" Oh guess who's just walked through the door?" Neal said raising his eyebrows.
" Neal what are you going on about?" Leanne was puzzled.
" I let Jackson and Lolly go out and what I thought was to study and how wrong I was" Jackson tried to sneak his way past Neal.
" I'm just going to bed" Jackson said trying to get past but Neal grabbed hold of him " oh no you don't" Neal said not letting go.
" our son has just tried to sneak past me and go to his room as if nothing has happened.
" look I'm sorry dad,can I just go to bed I have school in the morning" Jackson whined.
" fine, but we will be talking tomorrow" Neal let go of Jackson and let his rush upstairs to his room.
" well if that's all I'm going now seeing as my shift ended half an hour ago and I have to take lolly home with me" Leanne snapped.
Leanne didn't bother to say goodbye she just hung up,put her phone back and locked her locker and headed back out on the ER floor.
Leanne walked round to Lolly's cubical which now has the curtains pulled back and lolly sitting on the end swinging her legs.
" great are you here to yell at me again?" Lolly rolled her eyes.
" first of all lose the attitude Lauren right now and secondly we will talk about this tomorrow and you are staying with me tonight, let's go" Lauren sighed as she climbed off the bed.
Leanne walked along the corridor with Lauren trailing behind. They walked in a uncomfortable silence.
" are you waiting out here while I get changed?" Lauren just nodded.
Leanne changed into her clothes whilst Lauren waited outside, she sat down on a bench and dug out her cell phone whilst she waited.
" I think I'll be keeping that for now" Leanne said snatching Lauren's phone from her.
" what the hell mom?" Lauren jumped up in protest.
" I'm taking your phone over night, I want you to really think about what could have really Happened tonight and how wrong it was to lie to your father and how you could have lost your friend to stupidity" Leanne said as she began to walk away.
" ugh your so unfair" Lauren said in anger.
They left angles hospital and got into Leanne's car and headed home in silence, Lauren just glanced out the window whilst Leanne concentrated on the road.
Once the car was pulled to a stop into the drive way Leanne and Lauren got out of the car and to the front door. Leanne got out her keys and opened the door.
Lauren tried to rush up stairs " not so fast young lady" Lauren stopped
" ugh what now? mom please what more can you do to me? You've already taken my phone,Can I just go to bed please" Lauren leaded.
" listen drop the attitude right now I mean it missy, yes you can go to bed but, first thing in the morning we will have a talk" Lauren nodded " okay whatever night" Lauren stormed up stairs and slammed the door.
Leanne tensed up hearing the door slam, she headed up stairs and changed into something more comfortable and headed down stairs and into the kitchen, grabbing a wine glass and taking the red wine from the work top in the corner she poured herself a large helping of wine and took a long and much need sip after a rather hectic day at angles.
Leanne took the large glass of wine and sunk down on the sofa to watch some trashy tv to unwinded.
Leanne sipped the wine and slowly she began to feel herself letting go and her eyes lids getting heavy so, she decided to call it a night and head to bed. Leanne stopped outside Lauren's door hesitating wether she should,check on her daughter, she decided she would and slowly and carefully opened the door and peaked round the frame. Lauren was fast a sleep in bed sleeping peacefully and soundly, it was then that Leanne began to wonder what happened to her sweet daughter who used to follow her round and would fall at her feet to be near her mother. Leanne took once last glance at her daughter before slowly closing the door behind her and heading to bed dreading the morning that was to come.

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