Chapter 8

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"That's the last of it." Neal grunted as he dropped the box on Leanne's  hardwood floor."Thank you." Leanne said, flashing him a smile as she started to put Neal's  books on the shelf."Thank you for letting me stay here." Neal said as he returned the smile and walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist."We're married, it was going to happen, anyway." She said, chuckling as Neal sucked on her exposed collarbone."I know." Leanne dropped the books she had been holding and bit her lip as her husband moved her hair out of the way to kiss her jawline. "But I just want you to know," Neal's voice was deep and lusty. "how grateful I am.""Hmm..." Leanne turned around and kissed him hard. "How grateful are you?" Leanne teased "I'd be happy to show you..." And he picked Leanne up and carried her into her - actually, their - bedroom.
"No, Neal. We have to go to work." Leanne lifted his arm off of her waist and started to get up from the bed. Neal sighed and got up as well. He was going to have to re-adjust to not having sex every morning, as they had been since he moved in.
"Alright." Leanne smiled at him and walked over to her closet, pulling out her neatly ironed scrubs to change into. But she didn't get a chance before she felt overwhelming waves of nausea flowing through her, and she ran into the bathroom."Leanne!" Neal followed her and pulled her hair out of her face while she emptied her stomach . He held it back with one hand and stroked her back with the other, saying soothing words to her. She flushed the toilet and wiped her mouth, trying to rid herself of the disgusting taste left over."Are you okay, honey?" Neal held her shoulders gently and walked over to the bed once again. "It's alright." He laid down beside her and held her soothingly. "I'll call us both in sick. I'll stay with you, okay?"Leanne removed herself from his embrace and checked her forehead. Not really a fever. "No, I'll be fine. It may have been something I ate." Neal wasn't too sure but didn't want to argue with Leanne "Are you sure?" He didn't want her to go to work and end up vomiting all over a patient or colleague. "I'm sure Mark'll  be fine with it - ""I'm sure." She got up, picked her scrub top up off of the floor and started to change."Okay..." Neal went to go brush his teeth and hoped Leanne wasn't catching anything bad.But the very next day, just before they sat down for breakfast. She emptied her stomach into the kitchen sink, even worse than the day before. He handed her a mint from her purse, then picked her up and carried her to the bedroom."Neal, I'm fine, really - " Neal sighed "I know you say that, but I want you to stay home today, just to be sure. I'll go to work, bring you something home for lunch, and I'll try to get home early. Okay?" Leanne sigh "Fine..." Leanne grumbled, situating herself under the covers, knowing that Neal would not change his mind.But just after Neal left, she got out of bed. Digging through the bathroom cabinet, she looked for something she hadn't needed in a long time - a pregnancy test.
After not finding one Leanne drove to the nearest pharmacy stopping a couple of times feeling the nausea quick come and go, once parked Leanne walked into the store feeling uncomfortable as she walked round for a few minutes picking up a few essentials when she saw it. She walked over and looked only to realise that are several different ones. Being a Dr she was used to all sorts of tests and pressure but this sort of test was her first time and she was stuck on which one to choose.

"Can I help you with anything at all Ma'am?" Leanne turned to see a young girl with a friendly face smiling at her.

"I'm actually fine thank you"

"Okay, if you're sure" the young girl went to walk away when She decided to trust her "actually..., I'm stuck on which one to choose"

"Okay, well we have the double test or singles tests, we also have ones that can tell how far gone you are and they are digital and the best ones out there and the most accurate too" the young girl said picking up the boxes for Leanne to look at.

"Okay" Leanne looked at the tests in her hands for a few minutes.

"I think I will take the twin pack, thank you" the young girl walked back to the counter with Leanne following behind, the girl started scanning the items through.

"Is that your first time buying one of these?" Leanne was rather taken back by the girls' question and was not sure how to answer.

"Erm ... Yes it is actually, how can you tell?"

"I knew it the moment you walked in and I mean I see loads of girls buying them every day with no embarrassment what so ever but, you were different" knowing Leanne's  slight embarrassment the girl put the test inside a paper bag and then put it in the bag with her other items

"That will be $15.99 please" She handed over the money and the girl handed over the goods and Leanne gave the girl a small smile.

"Good luck, I hope you get the results your after"

"Thanks and Thank you very much for your help you were very helpful" Leanne walked away and walked back to her car.

Once Leanne was in the car she placed the bag in the seat next to her where she stared at it for a few minutes before she put her seat belt on and headed home.

Once home She walked into her room and shut the door dumping her bag on the bed sending the test flying to the floor. She took of her shoes and sighed with relief as her sore feet touched the plush and expensively soft carpet.

Leanne reached into her bag only not feel the paper bag inside which made her panic and her heart pounding in her chest at the fear of it being on the floor outside or down stairs Leanne bent down on the floor only to see the test on the floor. Sighing with relief She walked into her bathroom shutting the door.

She opened the packaging, shoved the plastic in the bin, took one test out of the box along with the instructions, and began reading it.

Leanne took the top of the test off, placed it in the bin, walked over to the toilet, and tried to go but she was so nervous that she could not pee.

Minutes later Leanne walked over to the sink with the test in her hand, placed it on the side on top of toilet tissue, looked at her watch, and waited 5 minutes.

Those 5 minutes were the longest 5 minutes of her life but soon enough it was time for Leanne to look at the test. Leanne took a deep breath and turned the stick over to see two pink lines clear as day and the word pregnant 8 weeks digitally in the corner. Leanne swore her heart stopped the moment she saw the word pregnant.

"I can't be pregnant, I just can't be pregnant" Leanne was in shock and denial so she picked up the other test and did the same and waited another 5 minutes only to see that the same result came back right in front of her. Leanne held the second test in her once calm, steady hands that were now trembling as she looked down at her wedding ring that glistened in the light.

Leanne  just sat on her bed and stared at the ceiling until Neal walked in at noon. "Hey, sweetie. How are you feeling?" He asked, putting down the bag with her lunch in it on the nightstand."Much better." She hugged him and pulled him down beside her. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. Leanne just tucked her head into the crook of his neck and hooked a leg around his hips. Neal pulled back and looked at her face."What's wrong?" He asked, brushing the stray hair from her face.Leanne had been lost in thought. "What? Oh, nothing. I just...missed you." It wasn't a complete lie. She had missed him, but decided not to tell him about this pregnancy just yet. She made herself a mental promise.

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