Chapter 18

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It had now been several weeks since Neal had given Leanne the divorce papers and it took her nearly all that time to sign it and after signing it, life went back to normal well as normal can be. She chose to bury her head in her work which was hard because after all Neal worked the same hours at the very same place.
Today was just like any other day since the divorce proceedings, Leanne and Neal would continue to work and act professional even though their marriage had dissolved.
The day of the custody battle was getting nearer and Leanne was worried what the outcome would be but, no one knew about this except Jesse who knew his best friend very well.
Leanne was standing at the nurses station signing paper work not really there as her mind wondered.
" how's my best girl doing?" Jesse said not receiving a reply.
"Earth to Daddy?" Jesse said waving his hand in front of her face.
" huh?" Leanne said shaking her head of all thoughts " sorry Jesse my head is elsewhere today" Jesse placed a hand on her shoulder " I know you don't have to tell me" Jesse say giving her a smile.
"You know I am here to help you or my god children in anyway I can" Jesse said sternly.
" I know, Thank you Jesse" Leanne have him a weak smile.
The day of the custody battle came faster than expected for Leanne, she took a deep breath before stepping into the court with her lawyer at side while Neal was represented by some fancy lawyer his father had paid for. The judge came into the room and everyone stood up and then sat down seconds later.

Leanne glanced over at Neal who was staring straight ahead then back at the judge.

"Today's case Dr Neal Hudson verse Dr Leanne Hudson over the residence of their 3 children Jackson 12,Lauren 10 and Maddie 8," the judge read out to the court.

"That is correct your honour" Neal's lawyer said approaching the bench.

Through the whole case, Neal gave his version of events and then Leanne's lawyer spoke up on her behalf.

"Your honour my client has a stable job and a more than suitable place for both girls to live" Leanne's  lawyer, said.

"Your honour if I may?" Neal spoke up

"Yes Dr Hudson?"

"Dr Leanne Hudson  may have a more than suitable place for the kids to live but she has a very demanding Job that would take up majority of her time she even told me herself," Neal said glancing at Leanne who shook her head at Neal.

"How would you know that would happen Dr Hudson?" the judge asked

"Well your honour there has been many times where Dr Hudson has missed events like her sons second birthday as well as her daughter Maddie's birthday and many times where she was unable to pick her own children up from school because she was busy at work"

"Dr Hudson do you have anything to say about that statement?"

Leanne slowly stood up on shaky legs "Your honour Neal- Mr Hudson and I work the same hours so I don't see how that plays a part in any of this"

"and yet I was there for every play date, school event I was there every day to pick them up and I was there telling them why their mother wasn't tucking them in or kissing them good night""

After several words passed backwards and forwards through the court, the judge spoke up "alright there will be a twenty minute recess while I go over everything and make my decision"

Leanne went outside needing air she walked over to a quite bit near a garden bench and sat down unable to stop the tears so she just let them come out. Leanne sat for a good ten minutes sobbing her heart out over this whole situation, taking a deep breath she wiped away the tears and made her way to the ladies bathroom, where she wiped away the tears and then replied her makeup. Once she looked half-decent, she started for the room where her fate would be decided but Neal blocked her way at the doors

"Look Leanne I'm sorry but I think this is the right decision"

Leanne just glared at him pushing past him and into the room; not wanting to talk to the man who was taking away her children for that reason and another was she was afraid that she would start crying again but not being able to stop herself this time.

The judge was silent for a moment, which was making Leanne's heart race, and then the judge spoke

"The court rules in favour of.... Mr Hudson, Dr Leanne Hudson you will have Jackson,Lauren and Maddie every second weekend where you pick them up from school Friday and then drop them off first thing at their fathers Mr Hudson's on Sunday and if you are unable to do this simple task Mr Hudson will gain full custody of your children" the judge slammed down the hammer

Leanne cried out while Neal looked please, Leanne got up and as fast as she could left the court house not wanting to be anywhere near it tears streaming from her face as soon as she was outside she collapsed to her knees and burred her face in her hands sobbing so hard it hurt

Neal followed Leanne making sure she was alright but the sight he saw broke his heart he had never seen her so broken he stopped watching he for a moment before slowly making his way over to her "Lee are you alright?" he asked in a soft voice

She stopped crying and stood up not bothering to wipe away the tears that this man had cause and looked him right in the eye "you have destroyed my life taking away my children and all but, you know other than that I'm fine" sarcasm dripping from every word one last glare at him she turned on her heels and made her way to her car where she cried until no more tears fell.

When Leanne got home the last thing she expected was too she her mother sitting in her kitchen drinking wine

"I heard" Joan got up and hugged her daughter

Leanne would normally pull away but she was too weak and at that moment, she needed a hug, someone to tell her it will be all right in the morning

After a few minutes Leanne slowly pulled away "a man who works the same hours as the mother is a good provider and a mother works the same hours is what we call an absentee mother" Leanne quoted the judge "that's what he said the judge can you believe that" slumping down on the couch she kicked her shoes off and closed her eyes wanting it all to just go away

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