Chapter 15

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"Neal!" Leanne called down the hall.

He ran down the hall into their bedroom. But he didn't see Leanne. "Lee? Where are you?"

"In the bathroom."

He sighed. Not this again...

But when he walked in, Leanne was bent over the sink, eyes closed, gripping the edge of the counter.

"Leanne, are you okay?" Neal stroked her back gently.

She looked up at him. Neal could see that she was holding something in her hand, but couldn't see what it was. "I'm fine. But..."

She showed him what she had been holding. Another pregnancy test.

"Oh my god." Neal just stared at it. "You're pregnant?"

She nodded.

He grabbed her around the waist and lifted her into the air, squealing.

"That's great!" he put her down and kissed her, happy in this news.

"I know." Leanne was so nervous that she was visibly shaking. "We're having another baby."

~The scan~

"It's a girl." The doctor told the couple.

the picture on the ultrasound showed the unborn child, who was wonderful and healthy.

Neal put his hand on Leanne's shoulder and stared at the picture of his daughter. It was incomprehensible that he had made another little piece of life.

"I'll just give you two a moment while I get pictures printed"

"Thank you." Leanne said, as the doctor left the room. She sighed and stared at the screen. Her third child. Healthy and perfect.

"We should probably pick a name." Her husband said. She turned to him, startled, as she had been lost in thought.

"What?" She asked.

"A name." He repeated, almost stumbling over the words he had never imagined himself saying.

"Right." She started thinking.

"I don't know I mean we never named Jackson or Lolly before..." Leanne shrugged.

"Your right Lee" Neal kissed Leanne on the top of her head.

later that night Leanne and Neal sat Jackson and Lolly down to tell them the good news.

"Okay, we have some exciting news" Neal said with his arm round his wife.

"How would you both feel with you had a brother or sister?" They looked at both children who were silent.

"I guess it would be okay" Jackson finally said

"I want a little sister" Lolly announced.

"So when are we getting one?" Lolly asked brightly.

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