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"You know, if you would have left me at college then you probably could have done this a lot quicker." my brother ,Josh, said.

"Tell me somethin', when was the last time you were on a hunt?" I asked.

"Two years... " he replied.

"And when was the last time you saw me?"

"Two years... " he said again.

"You know what? When was the last time you even talked to me? Ah ,correct again! Two flippn' years ago!"

"Ash, please stop! I missed you, I missed the Impala, I miss dad, and to tell you the truth I miss hunting!" Josh said as he leaned against the window.

"Well maybe when we get rid of these vampires, you can quit school and start hunting again! Like old times... " I said and turned up the radio.

"Yeah maybe..."


I parked the car at the old wear house. We got out and went to the trunk of the Impala to get our weapons. "You remember what to do, right?" I nudged Joshes shoulder, he sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Yep, cut their heads of and to slow them down shoot them with bullets laced with dead man's blood." he said confidentiality yet sarcastically. "Very good. I'm impressed! I would have thought with all those years of college, you would have forgotten your hunting smarts!" I joked even though in the back of my mind there was some truth behind the statement.

"Haha, very funny." he said as he picked up a machete. "So why do you need me for this hunt? You've been on plenty of hunts by yourself. Why this one?" Josh asked while we were creeping up to the wear house.

"I don't know." I lied.

The truth is, I'm lonely. Dad is dead, I never stay in one place for more than a week. It's hard to be a hunter because you can't get attached to anything. It's a lonely life.

But I can't ever tell Josh that.

I gripped onto my machete as we opened the door and stepped inside. We walked over to a wall and crept along it. I held up my hand for Josh to stop and be quiet. I shot up some hand signals asking if he could hear the other footsteps.

He shook his head.

They sounded like they were on the other side of the wall. I motioned for us to keep moving and check it out. We approached the end of the wall and stopped. I turned my body towards the entrance only to be face to, well, chest with someone.

I was quick to react by holding my machete to its throat.
I looked at his mouth and saw his fangs coming out.

"Not today." I said as I cut his head off.

"Nice one." Josh said. "Thanks. We're gonna have to split to search the place quickly. We don't have much time until they move towns again." I said.

"Ok, be careful." he said smiling.

"Please, when am I not careful?" I said smirking.

"Do I really have to answer that?" he said.

"Shut up and go kill some vampire bastards. " I said punching his shoulder.

"Alright! I'm going, no need in hurting me." he said walking away.

I turned and looked around, I could see a figure hiding to my right. I acted as if I couldn't see it and walked around only to sneak up behind it. I cut her head of and turned only to be met by two other vampires.

"Boys, it's rude to sneak up on a girl like that. You should apologize." I said completely unafraid.

They started running at me and when they were close enough, I cut their heads off.

"Apology accepted..." I said walking away.

I turned to my left and saw something awful.

"J-josh!?" he was laying on the ground missing his right arm and his left leg.

I dropped down beside him to feel his pulse, but he didn't have one.

"O-oh God..." murmured, my body shaking.

I wasn't sad, oh no, not sad, I was furious.

"I will kill everyone of you sick little bastards!" I yelled.

"You hunters are so stupid. You think you can just walk in here and kill our families without paying for it!" I male voice said behind me. "So you're the famous hunter Ash! It truly is an honor to meet you!" he spoke again.

"What do you want from me? My family? They are all gone. Because you and all those other monsters, ghosts, and demons have killed my damn family! I'm all that's left and you sure as hell won't be gettin' me anytime soon." I said.

"Oh we don't want just you. We want you and the Winchesters. So let's make a deal, I let you go and I don't mess with you for a while. But when I do get to you, I kill you and all the other hunters." he said.

"You can let me go, track me down, but you won't kill us all. Heck! I don't even know who the Winchesters are!" I said walking away.

I tied a rope to Josh's leg and pulled him with me.

I stopped out side of the wear house to burn it down along with my brother so he can't come back and rest in peace.

"Bye Josh. You did good. I'm gonna go stay with Bobby for a while. Catch him up on everything. I'll be safe don't worry. Catch you on the flip side... " I said as I lit the building on fire, along with my brother.

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