Chapter 8

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**Sam's POV**

I dragged Dean back to the house, him complaining about how he wants to sleep in the Mustang.

"Dean, no. We are currently being hunted and we need to stay together. We need to figure out why they are after us. So no you can not sleep in the friggin' car." I said as we walked up the steps.

"Fine..." I murmured as we walked in the door.

"So you guys want the tour now?" Ash asked.

"Sure." I said.

Ash walked passed me to the hallway on my left and walked down to the end of it.

"Here is bathroom número uno. This is Emma's room. Don't go in her room. She is very protective of all the crap in there. She's got all this Narnia and horse stuff. And that room is where I keep all the extra stuff." Ash said pointing to the small door in front of us.

She walked back down the hall and into the living room.

"This is well, uhh, the living room, where we live. And over here is the kitchen." Ash said with us following her.

We stopped in front of another hallway with a shut door at the end.

"This room," she said pointing at the one in front of us, no the shut door, "is like a research slash bedroom thing. I made it for Emma because I would find her asleep with her head on her laptop, so now she has a bed to do all that smart stuff on." Ash said walking towards the shut door.

"This is the greatest room in the entire house. My room... " She said opening the door.

She stepped inside and turned on the lights. On one wall there was a day bed with some pictures of her and a guy, which I'm guessing is Josh. And some others of a softball team, and there was one with her, Josh, Bobby, and another man.

"Holy crap Ash, you weren't kidding when you said that you like superheroes..." Dean said walking to another wall with a bunch of Marvel posters on it. On the wall next to it there was a book shelf full of just straight up comic books.

"Ash who is this?" I asked pointing to a picture of a man.

"That's my dad. That was the last time I saw him..." Ash aid sitting on her bed.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Nah, it's fine." she said closing her eyes and shaking her head.

"No, we know the feeling..." I said sitting down beside her.

We know the feeling to well...

"Yeah but did you sell your soul because if not you would have to kill your brother?" Ash's aid leaning back

She sold hers too?!

"Ash?! First Dean and now you too? How long to you have?" I said getting up and flailing my arms.

"About six months. Dean says we can get out of it if we can kill the demon. I don't believe it." she said standing up again going over to her book sand of comics.

"Ash, if I say we are going to kill it, we are going to kill the bitch. One way or another. Got it?" Dean said standing in front of her and the book case.

"Yeah Dean, I got it..." She said looking around him.

"No Ash, you don't get it! We are going to get those sons of bitch's! Why don't you believe me?" Dean yelled.


"Leave!" they both yelled at the same time.

With that I rushed to go find Emma.

**Dean's POV**

Why doesn't she get it?!

She was still between me and the bookcase.

"Won't you just listen? I've known you for like five days and I can already tell you are as stubborn as a friggin' mule!" I yelled.

"Dean you don't get it! I've tried everything! I told you about all the exorcisms it got to the point to when I would go to the crossroads and bury the friggin' box and they wouldn't come! I tried everything! They broke the contract, not me. Don't think they won't break yours." she said crossing her arms.

"Your are the only person that has ever had their contract broken. There has to be a reason..." I said stepping away from her and turning around sitting on her bed.

"I don't know why they did it. The deal was that my brother will be safe at all times and won't die until I'm dead. That gave him at least a year. That part doesn't even make sense! Why did I only get a year? Why did you only get a year?" she asked turning and finding a comic.

"Right now, none of this shit is making any sense. We have demons after us and vampires to top it off." I said leaning back and laying on her bed.

"Well your the one with all the confidence in killing the damn things." she said picking a comic up and flipping through it.

"Ash, the day we met, you said that we were the ones? I know you don't remember saying it, but what does it mean?" I asked her sitting back up.

"I think I meant you're the ones the vamps where talking about. They told me that in a matter of time they would come after us and kill us. They wanted to stop us from doing something, but they wouldn't tell me what so I don't know what it is that we need to stop doing." she said putting the comic back and sitting beside me.

"There just vamps, an easy kill. We just need to know when they are coming." I said looking over to her.

She had a day bed so we had no choice but to sit close to one another. Right now I was studying her face. There was so much sorrow, sadness, full of regret all over her face. She had the look. The look. It's like when soldiers come home from war, they have that look like they've seen to much. There weren't a lot of hunters that had it because they don't go through the same crap that we go through. Bobby definitely has it, but does a great job at covering it up. Sam has it, I know what he's been through. I've been told many times I have it. I wonder if Ash has ever been told that she has it?

"Ash, you have that look." I said.

"What?" she said looking at me.

"The look. Like when soldiers come one from war and they've seen to much. That one, you have it." I said placing my hand on her knee.

"O-oh. Like PTSD?" she asked looking at my hand on her knee.

"Yeah, don't worry, your not alone. Bobby has it Sam has it, hell, I've been told I have it. I'm not gonna tell you it gets better, because that's a lie, but always keep fighting. We're not soldiers but we aren't pussys that are afraid of guns. Sure, I was trained like a soldier and I'm sure you were too, but we aren't soldiers. We didn't ask for this life,but once you're in it, there's no backing out. Hell, I've tried to get away from it and so has Sam, but it always comes crawling back. Never give up." I said rubber knee.

**Ash's POV**

He's lieing and you know it! Everything is your fault! Josh is dead because of you! Emma will die because of you! And eventually you will be all alone. Nobody will care about you. I highly doubt that Bobby even cares about you. You know you are a worthless peice of shit! Just kill yourself! There's a butcher knife in the kitchen, why don't you go cut your throat and just get it over with. You only have six months, might as well end it...

"God make it stop! Please just stop!"

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