Chapter 21

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**Dean's POV**

"What are we doing with the guns and bullets?" I asked.

"Well, we've got vamps on our asses, so I thought, why not gear up?" she shrugged and walked over to a door that I didn't notice was there before.

"What's down there?" I asked as I followed her.

"You will see..."

We walked down the stairs and it seemed to take forever, especially with carrying all the weapons.

She opened yet another door at the end of a hallway.

"All that shit up there is just cover, this is the real safe house." she said sitting things down on an all metal table.

"Wow, son of a bitch. And I thought that other stuff was awesome. I thought wrong. I could live here."

"If you think Bobby's panic room is great, this is better."

"What are we doing down here anyway? The vamp didn't follow us." I said.

"Your right, but they will find us eventually and this is by far the safest place." she said looking at me.

"But we can't stay here for five months."

"I never said we are. This is our last resort. We are going out there and fighting, like you said, fake it till you make it..." she said walking away.

I turned and slapped her ass, cause hey, it's there, why not?

"Hey!" she giggled.

"Did you giggle?" I asked stepping closer and taking hold over her hips.

"Yes, why?" she raised her eye brows.

"It's cute..." I whispered in her ear.

I trailed kisses from her ear to her jawline to her lips. She instantly kissed me back wrapping her hands around my neck. I squeezed her hips and she giggled again. I smirked into the kiss, she pulled away.

"Why'd you smirk?"

"Like I said your cute..." I said.

"Yeah yeah, I'll show you cute when I beat your ass in basketball." she said letting go of me and running up the steps.

I ran up after her.

"Uhh Dean, I think they followed us..." I heard Ash yell at the top of the steps.

"What?" I asked.

But I was soon answered when I got to the top and saw a group of twenty to thirty vamps. And they had Sam, Emma, and Josh, holding knives to their throats.

"I told you, we would find you and come for you." the vamp from the cemetery said.

"Know listen fellas, why don't we have a little pow-wow and hash this out." Ash said with a fake smile.

I could tell she is scared. She talks when she is scared. One of the memories Gabe sent me back to was me saving Ash for the first time and she would not stop talking.

"Mind tellin' us what this is about. Cause if your gonna kill us, we should at least know why." I smirked.

"Your hunters, you deserve to die. You kill off pure races!" the one that seemed to be the leader said.

"Races? I prefer monsters." Ash said.

"Shut up! Come with us or we kill one of them." The leader said.

All three of them had the same face saying, 'Don't do it. We are willing to die for family, it's not worth it. Let us die.'

But of course we wouldn't do that, now would we?

I'm Just A Fellow Hunter.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant