Chapter 7

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**Dean's POV**

"Did she tell you where we are going?" Sam asked as he turned the music down.

"Nope. She just told me to follow her. And don't turn my music down..." I said turning In My Time of Dieing up.

"Jerk." Sam yelled over the music.


**time skip**

We turned down this old dirt road in West Virginia. We followed Ash the entire way only stopping every few hours to fill up with gas and get some food.

"I hope she's got some food other than chips here." Sam said as we turned down another road that lead to a big field with a trailer, a medium sized house, and a huge four car garage.

"If this is the safe house, I never wanna leave!" I said as we got closer until Ash stopped her car in front of the garage.

"Holy shit, this is the damn safe house..." I said getting out.

"Welcome home baby." Ash said petting her Impala.

"Home? Wait, is this your house?" Sam asked.

"Well it's my property. I live here when I can. Big Red stays here all the time." Ash said walking up to the garage and pulling the door open.

When she opened it, I about fainted. Half of the garage was an army arsenal. Heck, I was surprised here wasn't a tank. The other half, of how I loved it.

There was a cherry red 1967 Mustang. It was gorgeous. Then there was a bright orange 1950 Ford, which was alright, but dayum the Mustang.

"A-ash, are these yours?" I asked knees almost buckling.

"Yep, fixed them myself. At first the Mustang was a old rust bucket,but after a little thing or two here and there, she was amazing. But, it's the truck that I'm really proud of. I built her from spare parts. I had to make the frame. It was the best time of my life. I tell you, cars, way better than people. Come on let's go inside. It's almost dark and you gotta meet Big Red." Ash said walking to the house.

Who is named Big Red???

Ash knocked on the door. We could hear footsteps from the other side. The door opened and arms were thrown around Ash in a hug. It the hugger was sobbing?

"Woah, woah Emma, what's wrong?" Ash asked.

Emma? Big Red? How many people live here?

"OK, ok calm down let's go inside..." Ash said holding Emma and moving her through the door.

Ash sat Emma down on the couch and sat down beside her.

Sam and I just kinda stood there awkwardly.

"Are you hurt?" Ash asked.

"What? No no, it's Aslan. H-hes dead." Emma said.

Realization came across Ash's face.

"Aslan? Emma, are you talking about Narnia. You've seen the damn movie. You know he comes back to life." Ash said getting up.

"Guys, this is Big Red, AKA Emma. Emma this is Dean and Sam Winchester." Ash said walking to the kitchen.

"Oh. You've been gone for two weeks Ash! What have you been doing."

Ash looked at us.

"We found a case in Groves, Alabama." Ash said closing her eyes and rubbing her temples.

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