Chapter 11

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**Dean's POV**

I threw a left hook to his jaw and a right to his rib cage. It took him a second to register what happened but he got it. He glared at me took a swing but I caught his fist and twisted it around. I kneed his lower back when I twisted him around and his back arched up. I let go of his arm and he whipped back around. He connected with my chest knocking the breath out of me a causing me to stumble back a little. I regained myself and swung my left leg under his knees and he fell. I straddled his stomach and started relentlessly punching his face over and over and over again until I knocked him unconscious.

"Jackass..." I murmured as I got off of him.

I turned around and saw Ash, Bobby, Sam, and Emma staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

Don't tell me they are mad...

"What?" I asked again.

Emma was the first to show any emotion. She looked at me and did the what the hell where you thinking!? face.

Then there was Ash, she just stared at Josh thinking, steeling glances a me occasionally.

And Sam staring at me with his stupid bitch face.

Then Bobby.


"I-uhh, I'm sorry?-" Bobby cut me off.

"Save it. He was asking for it..." Bobby shrugged.

"He what?" That doesn't make sense, I just knocked the shit out of his nephew!

"He shouldn't have treated Ash like that." Bobby said walking over and dumping some water on Josh's face.
He shot up with a gasp.

"What the hell happened?" he asked looking from Ash to me.

Ash walked over to help him up.

"You were being a jerk, so Dean started throwing a few and you lost. Man your rusty... Oh and by the way u sold my soul and you have enough deal with it, because I can't take it back. I've tried. I burned through dozens of demons. I can't find crap." Ash said shaking her head.

"I just can't believe you sold your friggin' soul for me. Why?"

"Because, if I didn't I wouldn't be following orders..."

"Orders? As in dad? Ash he's dead. I swear if he told you to sell your-"

"You'll what? Kill him? News flash, you can't he's dead. And no he didn't tell me to sell my soul. He said do whatever I could to protect you. It was is dieing wish. So I thought, why not? I'll end up in hell either way. So that way I knew, as long as I'm around, you'll be here safe and sound. Well, sorta. Even if you die, you'll come back as long as I'm on this earth." Ash said sitting down at the kitchen table.

**Ash's POV**

All of this, everything. Josh being alive, Dean and I only having six months to live. Shit, I guess this is how Emma finds out...

"So what exactly can we do to get your soul back?" Josh asked de as he sat down across from me.

"We have to break our contracts..." I said leaning back in my chair.

"Our?" Josh asked.

"Yeah. If we can break mine, we can break Dean's too." I said glancing over to Dean then back to Josh.

"You sold yours too?" Josh asked turning to Dean.

"Damn straight. I did it for the same reason too, to protect my little brother. It was that or kill him and I sure as hell wasn't going to do that..." Dean said sitting down beside me.

"Little brother?" Josh asked.

"Yeah, Sammy. Over there." Dean said pointing to Sam.

"Oh, you guys are brothers..." Josh said, his face heating up.

"What did you think we were? Sisters?" Dean asked leaning on the table.

"Oh nothing..." Josh said looking anywhere but Sam and Dean.

"You didn't think- we aren't together!" Sam said realization hitting him.

"Wh- you guys just seem super close, I'm sure I'm not the only one who thought it." Josh shrugged.

"Oh I thought it too." Emma said.

"What the hell?! Guys we are brothers! Not l-lovers." Dean burst out.

"Dean, it's ok. I don't think you are gathered even if you are a little feminine..." I teased.

"You know what, I don't have to deal with this. I'm going to my manly car to be by myself and listen to my manly music and drink my manly beer!" Dean said getting up and heading to the door.

"Aww..." I cooed.

"Shut up Hardin..." he said as he walked out the door.

"Someone's on their monthly..." I whispered, but apparently Dean heard it because he came in, running at me with a mischievous smirk.

"What are you-" he cut me off by picking me up and running out the door with me over his shoulder.

"Dean! Put me down!" I yelled.

"Sorry sweetheart, I gotta prove to you I'm man..." he said.


He sat me on the hood of his Impala and stood in between my legs, placing his hands on my waist, pulling me close.

"Dean, what are you doing-"

He cupped my cheeks and slammed his lips on mine. It took me a second to respond, but I kissed back. I placed my hands on the back of his neck pulling him as close as I could. His hands moved down to my hips, jerking me forward. He flicked his tongue over my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I parted my lips and he took his chance. I moaned as I ran my hands through his slicked hair, messing it up, earning a moan from him. I pulled away gasping for air.

"Dayum..." he whispered as he trailed down my neck, kissing, sucking, nipping.

"Dean..." I moaned.

"Dean! Ash? Where-" I heard Sam call from around the corner.

Oh shit...

**Sam's POV**

Where did they go?

I turned toward the Impala and saw Ash and Dean sitting on the hood each with a beer in their hands.

"Guys?" I asked coming closer to them.

"...and thats the first time I went on a hunt by myself." I heard Ash say as I rounded the corner.

"Really? It took dad forever to let me go on my own. What was your dad like?" Dean asked.


"Guys, what happened?" I asked.

"Oh, I just wanted some alone time with, uhh, Ash." Dean said with a look on his face that I couldn't quite place. But I definitely recognized it.

"O-oh. Right..." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"I-im just gonna go..." I said turning and almost sprinting to the house.


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