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(A/N- this is the last chapter but there will be an epilogue)

**Dean's POV**

"Dean, come on man. We need to talk about this." Sam said.

"No Sam, we don't. Don't save me, save Ash. It's literally my dying wish." I told him, getting up from my seat to grab a beer out of the fridge.

"But Ruby said that we can save both-"

"I don't care what a damn demon said Sam! It's not happening, ok?" I yelled.

I looked at his face, it was changing. It was terrifying. But then it was gone when I blinked.

"Dean, just let us help." He said.

"No, and that's final." I walked out of the room.

"Well we can at least go and kill Lilith." He followed me into the library.

"Now that, I'm down with." I said.

Bobby, Ash, and Josh walked in.

"Ruby called me and told me where to meet her and find Lilith." Josh said.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road." Bobby said.

**Josh's POV**

We started packing things up and talking about our game plan. But everytime Ash or Dean would look at one of us, they would look weird, like they had just seen the most terrifying thing in the world.

"Hey, and you ok?" I asked Ash.

"Yeah J, I'm fine. Just going to hell and all. No biggie."

"I'm aware of that smart-ass. But thats not what I'm talking about, you keep giving us weird looks. Like there is something more wrong. Is there?"

"N-no, everything is great." she fumbled over her words.

"Come on, stop lying. What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's the hallucinations. They started a few days ago. Dean's just started yesterday. When I look at you or anyone else, your face gets all jacked up. It morphs into this...thing. I don't know what..." She whispered to me.

"Great, why didn't you tell me before?"

"Josh, you've got other things to deal with right now. Things bigger than my hallucinations."

"Oh yeah? Like what?" I crossed my arms.

She frowned and squinted.

"Ya know that thing that you got going on..." she murmured.

"Right, because that thing I got going on is more important than you. Are you serious right now? You sold your soul for me! And you just expect me to sit around and let you go to hell?" I yelled.

"Yes! I've come to terms with it! It was my soul and I got to choose what I did with it, not you. I chose to sell it to save you, and you need to suck it up and deal with it. I'm going to hell, we all knew one way or another that we would end up there. There's a special place for the things we do down there. And J, I'm ready for it too. I think I've been ready for it for a while. I'm completely fine with it. As long as you three take care of each other. I'm fine." she said.

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