Chapter I

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**Dean's POV **

"What the hell? When did Bobby get the exact same car as me?" I said as we got out of my baby, identical to the one across from me.

"Maybe he was just restoring it." Sam said. "Come on."

We walked up to Bobby's door and knocked. "Hey fellas." Bobby said as he opened the door. "Come on in." Bobby walked into the kitchen and we walked into the living room.

"Uh Bobby, I'm not sure you know this but there is a hot chick sleeping on your couch." I yelled into the kitchen.

"Yeah, I know. And don't call her 'a hot chick', she's my niece." he said.

"You gotta niece?" Sam asked.

"Yep. Here mom died the same way Mary died, her dad died a few years ago, and her brother just died a week ago." he said, the sorrow evident on his face.

"Does she now about the whole hunting thing?" I asked.

"Yeah, she is one. She has been since she was five or six. Her brother was too. They made an amazing team just like you two." Bobby said.

"Was her brother like me?" Sam asked.

"I'm not sure. I hadn't- we hadn't heard from him in two years after he went off to college. He was like you in a lot of ways Sam. She loved him so much. She barley shead a tear for her dad and mom, but when Josh died, she cried for a day straight. After a few days she became obsessed with every little tiny thing. This is the first time she has slept in three days. It's been hard for her." Bobby said sadly.

"Whats her name?" I asked.

"Ash Hardin."

She looked to be around 5'10" with dirty blonde hair. She had on ripped jeans, a red flannel, and she had some dudes old brown leather jacket draped on her like a blanket.

She was beautiful

Not like sluty hot, but like gorgeous. Absolutely stunning.

"Dean, your starring at Ash." Sam said smirking at me.

"N-no I wasn't, you were..." I said.

Not cool Dean. You totally just lost your cool.

I looked at Bobby and gave him the best innocent smiled could get, but he just gave me the death glare.

"So, anyway... Let's get to the point." I said awkwardly rocking on my heels.

"Yeah. What do you know about Regan high-school in Groves, Alabama?" Sam asked Bobby.

"That's pretty specific. I'll have to look." Bobby said.

"How long is that gonna take?" I asked.

"Boy, your pushin' it. Your already making goo-goo eyes at my niece and now your rushing me." Bobby said taking a step closer to me.

"Sorry, won't happen again." I smiled.

"It better not... " Bobby mumbled walking away.

" Well someone's happy today." I murmured turning around looking at Ash again.

I felt someone hit me up side the head.

"What the hell was that for?! " I whispered/yelled.
"Stop starring at Ash!" Sam yelled.
"I wasn't!"
"Yeah you were!"
"No I wasn't Sammy!"
"Yes you were! And my name isn't Sammy!"

I was about to say something but I felt something cold and hard on the back of my neck.

"Who the hell are you?" a female voice asked.

"This is a great introduction. I'm Dean and this here is Sammy. We are friends of Bobby's. So if you don't mind, put the gun down..." I replied.

She put the gun down and I slowly turned to be met with blue almost grey eyes.

Shit her eyes are beautiful...

**Ash's POV **

Who the hell are you and why are you here?

"What's your full names?" I asked still not completely putting my gun down.

"Dean and Sam Winchester." Dean said.

"You're the ones... " I mumbled.

I slowly put my gun all the way down and sank to the ground.

" Ash? " Sam whispered sitting beside me.

I started thinking really hard and started to zone out.

**Dean's POV**

" Bobby!? " I yelled.

" What?" he said as he walked into the room.

"Oh God, it's happening again. When Ash thinks really hard about something she starts to go into this state were she won't talk and won't move. Heck, it sometimes looks like she isn't breathing. But after about an hour, she'll snap out of it and act like nothin' even happened. It's been going on since Josh died." he said.

"Is there anything that seems to be a trigger?" Sam asked

Always one for a solution Sammy...

"Normally something to do with her brother. Did you say something about him?" Bobby questioned.

"No. She did say we're the ones does that mean anything to you?" I asked.

"Nope." Bobby said.

"So we just kinda wait?" I asked kinda confused.

"Pretty much..." Bobby trailed off.

"Welp, I'll be in the Impala. I'm gonna get the beer out if the back." I said as I walked out the door.

I opened he door and jumped in laying down. It turned the music all the way up.

"Good thing there ain't neighbors around here, but even if there were I don't think I'd care..." I said to myself.

**small time skip**

I was listening to Renegade by Styx when I heard some else singing in an obnoxious voice like I do sometimes.

The hell?

"... The jig is up the news is out they finally found me!
The Renegade who had it made retrieved for a bounty... " it sang.

I sat up and looked around.

I looked over to the other Impala only to see Ash bending over the good working on it.


I got out of the car and walked over to Ash.

" Watcha working on?" I asked.
I thought she would have jumped because she didn't hear or see me, but she only looked at me out of the corner of her eye.

"Replacing the spark plugs. That's the only thing I don't like about this car, forgive me baby, she runs the spark plugs like hell." she said her voice a little muffled because she still had her head in the hood.

"Wait, this is yours?" I asked.

"Yep, she's a beaut, ain't she." she replied standing up.

"Hey are you alright? Earlier you were kinda out if it." I asked genuinely wondering.

"What do you mean?" she asked confused.

Oh yeah! Bobby said that when it's over, it's like it neve happened, literally.

"Oh, never mind..."

"So, Bobby says you gotta case? The one with the school in Groves, Alabama? Yeah well we leave in about two hours so gather what you got..." she trailed.

"What do you even know about this case?" I asked smirking.

"More than you." she said with a smug grin.

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