Chapter 18

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How are they in my memory?

I walked through another door without thinking about where I would go.

"So!" it was Gabe. "Did you see the part with Sam and Dean? That's my personal favorite."

"Yeah I saw. But I don't understand, because I just met them about two weeks ago. It doesn't make sense. I didn't know them then..." I said so confused.

"But what if you did? Or maybe, you didn't? You should ask Josh. Maybe he knows, maybe he doesn't."

"My God, your so damn confusing. Why would Josh know?"

"Maybe he is the reason you don't remember. Do you remember when Sam told you he had special powers, or death premonitions, if you will. He also said it was because of the yellow eyes demon fire and didn't your mommy dearest die because of that? I think she did. Don't you think that maybe, just maybe something happened to J?"

"You listen hear, you son of a bitch, don't you ever call him J. That nickname is for me to use and for me only. Not you or anyone else. If you ever call him that again, I will personally cut your balls off. Got it?"

I was telling the whole truth. I would cut his balls off, maybe a little extra too. He put his hand over his crotch, just for safe measure.


"Hah! I just scared the trickster! Awesome!"

"But seriously, did you never think that maybe Josh had something to do with it. Just think about it. The way Dean and Josh started fighting as soon as they met, the way you and Sam instantly connected as friends, or the way you and Dean look at each other, it's like you already knew each other. People don't grow that close in a few weeks. Think about it."

But no! Josh wouldn't do something like that!

"You listen hear you sick little bastard, if you ate messin' with my memories-"

"Look, I know I'm the trickster, but I ain't gonna mess with your memories. To be honest, I kinda like you and your little Myster Inc. gang. There are some big plans for you guys."

"So those memories were real?"

"Hellz yeah they are. But let's see what's in this memory..." with that he vanished, yet again.

"Memories, of all things he picked memories!" I whispered to myself.

"So what memory are you?" I said to no one.
I can be as loud as I want here because no body can hear me or see me.

And I gotta say, it would be nice to have this skill when hunting monsters.

Anyway, back to the story...

I looked around and I seemed to be in a motel room. I recognized it.

Aww shit, my first kiss...


"Dean, why is it just me and you going on this hunt?" I asked my boyfriend of a year and a half.

"Your dad wanted to see how we would do as a team on our own." he said tossing his duffle on his bead.
We are under strict orders.
1. Don't go out much.
2. Don't give your real name.
3. Use the fake credit cards.
4. If anyone asks, you are twenty-one.
5. (And this one is from my dad to Dean) do not touch Ally.
(my dad doesn't like the idea of me, a hunter, dating someone, especially Dean.

Dean came and sat down with me on my bed. My back was facing him, so of course, he leaned his back on mine.

"Holy shit Dean! Your so heavy, I'm gonna fall off the bed if you don't friggin' get off me!"

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