Schedule (for the downfall)

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I hope everyone is enjoying this book because I enjoy writing it! I've brought you all here today to tell you that I am going to try to stick to a set and stone schedule.

I'm going to do the following:

1) I will inform all of you when I won't be able to update

2) I will try to update every Wednesday because that is the day I get off school early and it will give me time to revise, edit, and add any details

3) I'm also going to try and do some more contests. I've done a few in the past and they've turned out well

4) I want to help you guys too. If you want a shout-out, I'll give you one as long as I get one in return

5) I want to hear everyone's feedback. If you see a mistake I made please inform me, whether it's my grammar or I got something wrong from the show. I will fix it ASAP.

Thank you! Please vote and comment!

(this is for my other book The Downfall)

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