Chapter 3

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**Dean's POV **

We got to Groves, Alabama around three in the morning. Ash and Sam were a few minutes behind us because Sam had to 'pee'.

Of course he did..

They pulled up to the motel behind us and I saw Sam and Ash.....laughing? Hard. And Sam doesn't laugh at much of anything these days. Why are they laughing? What's going on?

Wow, where the freakin hell did all that shit come from?!?!

"... So then we found out that Dean had this ghost sickness thing and in the end he was better but he screamed like a little girl a couple of times. I was kinda worried about him but it was hilarious! He was afraid of a cat! I mean come on man!? A cat!" Sam said as he got out of Ash's Impala.

Oh no he did not...

"Dude, a cat?" Ash said as she got out.

"Yep a cat. And we saw a ghost and he ran out of the building!"

"Sammy, seems like you and Ash have a new favorite pass time. Please do tell her more." I said glaring at them.

"Aww poor little Dean, embarrassed? How cute." Ash said ruffling my hair and smiling.

I like it when you put your hands in my hair...

I just looked at her with a shit eating grin.

"I got us checked in. They only had two, one bedrooms so I'm gonna sleep in Ash's car and you guys can figure the rest out." Bobby said walking to Ash's car.

"But that's my baby- I- you- fine... " Ash said shaking her head.

"So we only have one room?" I asked.

"Yep one room. The three of us... Not gonna be weird at all... " Ash said walking toward the room. We walked into the room and looked around. There was a king size bed and a fold out couch. There was a small kitchenette and a small bath room. No tables or chairs.


"Dibs on the bathroom first!" Ash yelled. I looked over to Sam and he just shrugged. "... And I have dibs on the bed. You guys figure out the rest." Ash said peeking out of the bathroom.

"I'm sleeping in the pull out!" Sam yelled, pointing at me.

"Fine.... "

Ash came out of the bath room wearing and X-men shirt and baggy sweats.

"Oh Ash!" I said in a sing song voice.
"Sammy is sleeping in the pull out, so I guess that means I'm sleeping with you... "
I said winking and then flopping on the bed.

"OK..." she said laying down beside me.

She seems not at all weirded out by this...

I looked over to Sam and grinned knowing that he knew what I was thinking.

" Sam, what time is it?" Ash asked.

"3:24 a.m. Why?" Sam told her.

"I'm not tired at all."

"Me either... " Sam and I said in unison.

" So... "

" Yep.. "

" Let's play truth or dare!" I yelled.

I've got to get something out of Ash. She's got to like me...

"Dean, are you twelve?" Sam asked.

"No idiot. I'm not twelve, I'm bored. We are playing truth or dare and that is final." I said shrugged and then stood up.

"Fine.. " they both said.

"Alright, Sam truth or dare?" I asked.

"Uhh truth."  I smirked. 

"Of course." I rolled my eyes ."Have you ever had a threesom?"

"What?! No! That's weird!" He blushed.

"Dude, our lives are weird and threesoms aren't that bad." I said.

"Gross... " Ash whispered.

"And don't 'dude' me." Sam glared at me.

I cleared my throat. "Sam, your turn." I said smugly. "Yeah. Ash, truth or dare?" Sam said smirking. "Dare, dare, definitely dare." Ash said giddily. "Someone's excited." I said nudging her shoulder. "Watch it Winchester, I bite."

"Oh lucky me." I said and winked at her. "Hey, knock it off, the both of you. Ash I dare you to," Sam paused, thinking ",walk around and pose like a model." Sam said smirking.

"Sammy you horny son of a bitch! " I yelled.

" Shut up. I'll do it." Ash said getting up.

"And for your information, I'd much rather be with Sam than you, Winchester." she whispered to me.

"Oh I'll get you one way or another sweetheart." I said winking.

"Sure you will." she said.

She started strutting around and posing here and there.

Sometimes I would whistle and Sam would clap.
That went on for about fifteen minutes.
And her final pose was one were she put her hands on her hips and leaned forward, pressing her boobs up and out.

"Dayum Ash!" I yelled.

"Oh shut it Winchester. That is the pose that you see in all of your magazines. It's not like you haven't seen it before." she said sitting back down beside me.

"Oh sweetheart, it looks much better on you." I said in her ear.

"Alright Winchester, truth or dare?" she said smirking.

"Dare." I said sitting up straight.

"I want you to go wake Bobby up by honking the horn to my baby."

"Wow, now hold on a minute-"

"You picked dare Winchester, no take backs." she said smugly.

"Fine, just watch your ass. I'm getting you back." I said as she tossed me her keys.

"I can't watch my ass, it's impossible unless I have some mirrors."

"Shut up."

I walked out the door and over to Ash's car. It really was exactly like mine. She has great taste in cars. I very quietly unlocked the driver's side and honked the horn and raced back to the room. I got back just in time too.

"Everyone act like you're sleeping now!" I yelled as I jumped on the bed and waited for Ash.

"You're so scared!" Ash whispered next to me.

"Well, I really don't feel like dying tonight... " I said glaring at her.

**Bobby's POV **


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