Chapter 25

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**Dean's POV**

We drove up to the ball park. We drove about ten hours straight, stopping for gas occasionally.

But when we got there, we found a note from Ash but she is gone.

Hey fellas,
Don't panic. I can take care of myself. You probably won't see me again and if you do, you're in hell with me. I don't plan on escaping the hell hounds, I figure better knowing when you're gonna die then be a paranoid son of a bitch the rest of your life. I've got about four months left and I'm gonna do what I want with them. Of course most of that stuff involves you guys and I can't go putting you three in harms way. Don't come looking for me and if you do I will shoot your damn knee caps. It'll be hard to chase after me with paralyzed legs. Tell Bobby I love him and all that lovey dovey shit.

I have some things I want to tell you all;

I know what it's like to wake up in the morning hating yourself, looking in the mirror and hating what's staring back at you. Don't give up like I am. Keep going. I love you with every cursed part of me.

I think I got my memories back the other night when we "fought off" those vamps. The first thing that came to mind was one of your first hunts with me. It was a simple salt-n-burn. We somehow managed to each brake an arm. Our dad's wouldn't let us hunt for a month. I think it's safe to say that you liked not being able to hunt. I want you to know that the world needs you. We are all freaks, not just you.

I can't really write anything down for you. I know that you wipped our memories for the right reasons and if Bobby said it was the right thing to do, then hell, it was the right thing to do... I want you to sick with Sam and Dean, I'm sure that with Emma and I gone, all of you could use the extra muscle. Take care of my car, I swear to God if you wreak her or scratch her or even look at her wrong, I will haunt your sorry ass and I ain't gonna be nice about it.

I want a hunter's funeral and if anyone from Groves asks, I'm just taking a break from everything, that's it. Don't tell them about the life. You know what, just completely lie, tell them you don't remember them or you don't know who I am. Or something like that...

Again don't try and find me because you won't. And if you do, I'll kill you.

I love all of you,

I sat the paper down on the ground and ran my hand over my face.

"Dammit..." I growled.

I looked over to Josh and saw that he was fuming with anger, same with Sam but there was something else on his face that I couldn't place

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I looked over to Josh and saw that he was fuming with anger, same with Sam but there was something else on his face that I couldn't place.

"Shit, this is my fault..." Josh whispered to gruffly.

"Damn straight..." I whispered.

"I shouldn't have wiped your all's minds-" Sam cut him off.

"I get how you could wipe Ash's and Dean's but yellow eyes said that you can't use your abilities on his other children. So how did you use them on me?" Sam asked, he never told me anything about that.

"When we were at that old town, fighting against each other, Azazael came to me in a dream and said that I was his chosen one, but I found out that he said that to everyone of us. There was a demon there, low class, it was one that Ava was controling. It got a hold of me and I cut it on accident, she held me down and forced it's blood in my mouth and made me swallow it. It told me to get up and kill it. I asked it how and it told me to use my mind. And somehow, I did. After that I was able to use my powers and other powers I had picked up, against anyone and anything I please. That's how I was able to use them against you..." Josh said.

"But why didn't the demon come to me or any of the others?" Sam asked.

"She did, I just wiped it out. I figured you wouldn't want to be hooked on something worse than a drug... Again, I thought I was doing the right thing." Josh sighed.

"We're alive right? If you didn't get us away from each other I think we might have ended up dead..." Sam said.

"Yeah man, what he said..." I said.

**Three months left**

**Sam's POV**

"Bobby, we only have three months left. Ash is gone, Dean's thought about going and finding her, and Josh, he's blaming himself for all of this. We need to figure this out." I sighed.

After we found that note from Ash we went to Bobby's, thinking he could help.

"Sammy?" Dean called as he was stumbling down the steps.
He took the note from the ball park with us and he reads it every day...

"Yeah Dean?" I asked.

"I-I wanna go find her. I wanna say goodbye. We need to find her, if we can save anyone, I want to save her." he whimpered, half drunk.

"Dean, she doesn't want to be found. And plus we've tried." I said, barley above a whisper.

"But Sammy-"

He fell off of the steps

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He fell off of the steps...
Or he passed out...
Either way he was down for the count.

**Two Months left**

**Ash's POV**

I've contemplated calling Bobby, just to here a familiar person's voice. I haven't seen a familiar face or heard a familiar voice in what feels like forever. I feel like shit for leaving them, but I think it's for the best. I've messed enough up.

**two weeks later**

I decided, I'll call Bobby but just to make sure everything is ok. I've had this gut feeling for about a week that something is wrong. I can't seem to shake it...
I dialed his number.

It rang twice and someone answered.

"What?" a familiar voice said.

That voice, it was so familiar and yet so different, it sounded groggy and sick, along with a side of drunk.

It was Dean...

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