Chapter 86 | All I Got Left Is You.

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- Un-Edited! -
One more time you trip on the job, you're defiantly fired!" The manager scolds you. You're in the restaurants kitchen being threatened by your manager again. He isn't going to fire me right?! You ask yourself as your face overcomes with worry and desperation. I can't get fired from another job, again!

You're currently sweating pinballs as the manager keeps yelling. "Are you even listening to me?!" He asks angrily. You finally took notice and hitched. "That's it!" He snapped "you're fired!"


You walk into your apartment  and went to go take a look in your mailbox, extremely upset.

You wanted to cry your eyes out and hide your face in your soft white pillow and snuggle Mr. Cuddles the teddy bear... Mom wouldn't of wanted this to happen to me right? You ask yourself as you unlock your mailbox with your key.

You take out the stack of envelopes and the first thing you saw was your rent.

Your eyes soften anxiously. Please don't let this be something horrible.


Too late, you opened it once you arrived at your apartment complex. While arriving, you see that your rent is due in two days. To make things 'better', you needed to add some additional funds into your bank account. But how can you when you don't have a job anymore!

When surfing through the pair of envelopes, you see a red one.

You look and see that you were going bankrupt.


Only rain and sobs could be heard through your ears. You touch your skin to wipe the tears but you don't even know if it's your tears or the water.

You then hang your head low.
You took out your phone and for some reason, you looked through your contacts. You desperately needed comfort. But no. Unless you count the pizza delivery person.

You then accidentally press the N button in your search box and see one contact.

Nico Di Angelo

"Wow, I've never saw him for a long time." You exclaim "When did he give me his phone number?"

You brainstorm and figured it out.


You trip and fall and land on your butt making your books fall on the ground. Why must I be such a klutz?!

You quietly begin to pick up your books when someone took one of their earphone buds out, and look upon you. He then crouched down and silently began helping you. "Look! creep guy is helping her out." A guy whispers.

You look at the person who's helping you and can see that's he has a soft chuckle spread on his face. I wonder what's so funny.

When you two finished picking the books up, the bell rung.

He then stood up and began to calmly walk away. "Th-thanks." You stutter once you got you glance off your books. You look up but see that he is already gone.


"Hey there." Someone says. You glance at to who this is and see a guy with a smug expression. You study him and see the same guy that called that kid 'creep' while helping you pick up your fallen books.

Not Dead - (Nico x Reader Imagines) {✄ EDITING ✍︎}Where stories live. Discover now