My 10 biggest fears

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1. God-really, everyone would fear God, right?

2. Dentures-because, really, they freak the heck out of me. I don't know why, it's probably because of childhood fears.

3. Rememebering my history-man, this is the type of fear I had feared a lot. From myself, turning into a chocolate pudding (you get the point), to the time I peed my parent's bed.

4. Haunted houses-yep. I'm afraid of haunted houses. It's because I went inside when I was seven, and man, I cried a lot. Then, I swear to never, even once, to go in a haunted house.

5. Being bullied-yeah. People in my school are the smartest in my whole country, but they're evil. Seriously, I used to wear these oval glasses and people started calling me 'Harry Potter'. Dang, I hated it, but trying to report it to teacher, they won't believe what I'm saying.

6. Not going into a room for a long time-this kind of fear had me wondering, why am I not going into certain rooms for a long time. But yeah.

7. Breaking anything-this fear is the most ridiculous fear I ever had. But I just didn't want to break anything (well, except Legos and blocks.)

8. Perfectionism-this fear was created when I was 10. Dag, my parents are always wanting me to grow up and be perfect, which is something I fear, because if I'm perfect, then can I smoke? Or get kidnapped and die? Urgh. But you get the point.

9. Watching horror shows/movies-yeah. I know they're acting and all, but they scare the poop out of me.

10. Not wearing the right clothes-this is during 9/1 at school. (Yah. We have school at Saturday, but not Friday.) I accidentally spilled my uniform, so I had no choice but to wear my sports attire. Damn, this fear must not continue on.

Done! Can believe 8mefox did this to me. But yeah, happy reading

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