got tagged

27 5 8

Me got tagged by Thelovematchmaker

Fact #1
I'm a bookworm. Once I get myself a book, sometimes I can't stop reading it until I'm finished. The shortest time I've ever read a thick book without skipping: 3 hours without stopping

Fact #2
I have a buttload of PS2 video games. Give or take I have scratch that, 58.

Fact #3
I run fast but always wind up last, like a cheetah in a marathon.

Fact #4
I have Lisztomania (a need to listen to music all the time) you can always see me with earbuds

Fact #5
I can lie and not get noticed by it

Fact #6
I love horror games but too afraid to play it

Fact #7
I consider number 7 to be my lucky number instead of what people think: 6

Fact #8
I have a LOT of aunts and a few uncles

Fact #9
My I can't lay/sit still.

Fact #10
I know a few basics in some languages

Fact #11
I know Wing Chun, Karate and Silat

Fact #12
I was born on 06/12/2002

Fact #13
My first OC before Wattpad was Diake Takanori

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