tagged ^_^

36 4 5

I am tagged by Little_Cute_Cookie meh. I do it

1. Who's your favourite Vocaloid singer?

If you ask me, it'll be Rin Kagamine

2. Hope Bagel or Despair Waffle?

Idk...I don't like either

3. Who's your least favourite character?

Chrono Shindou....yeah

4. Who will you choose the one you love or the one that loves you? Why?

I'll go with the one that loves me, since they were the one who had helped me through thick and thin

5. What's your talent?

Trouble making and game expertise

6. What's your favourite opening song?

Back-on|The last one (Gundam Build Fighters Try!! Island)
Back-on|Sync (Twin Star Exorcist)
Mamoru Miyano|Break it (Cardfight!! Vanguard G)

7. What's your least favourite anime?

Uhm...Cardfight!! Vanguard G

8. Why do you like anime?

Because it is the most interesting thing I've ever seen and the creators always have some creative ideas with it.

9. Who will be your anime boyfriend or girlfriend?

This'll be quite complicated, but if I had to choose, it'd be Chloe Maxwell of Luck & Logic

10. Do you have a rival?

I think I do....somewhere out there.

And that is it

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