top 10 favourite foods

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1. Chocolate-I really like chocolate, but only white chocolate and milk chocolate.

2. Instant noodles-secondary food if you don't have food. What the hell did I just type?

3. Ice cream-I wonder if anyone likes it. Although I barely ate any ice cream for the past 5 months.

4. Cookies-only the ones with chocolate chips, or just plain cookie

5. Chicken-not raw or alive ones, of course. What? You think I'm stupid enough to not write that down?

6. Potato chips-I eat these everyday, but most of them had to be so spicy. 'Cause I took a challenge to eat spicy potato chips for the rest of my life. Yes. Even during my old days.

7. Rice-yeah. Typical Asians to eat this. And, yes. I'm Asian.

8. Eggs-I eat these, but not raw. Boiled may be the least favourite type of egg I'll eat.

9. Water spinach-this is my all time favourite vegetable. I love it, and I ate it when I was 4!

10. Oreo-Lol. I don't know why I wrote Oreo down. But yeah, it's my favourite.

8mefox, karma will get you! In other words, you have to do this!! Trust me. When a friend of yours read this, I guess he/she will get pissed.

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