my top 10 J-Pop/Anime Openings I misheard

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10. Fukkireta by Kasane Teto

Reason: I swore I heard 'Dat booty' somewhereXD

9.Change me by Meiko

Reason: during the chorus:

'Itchy mama, show me that Mankey (yes the Pokemon) body. Shiba (the dog), Gaga (yes, Lady Gaga) emit. Super you gave up, Cheeto (yah). Flee, oh no!'

I laughed my ass off XD

8. Attack on Titan OP 1

Reason: during the beginning:

'Take the s** with the bees and the Eagles! *music* bees and Eagles! *more music* bees and Eagles! *rise up and down music*'

7. Electric Angel by...anyone who sings it

Reason: during chorus

'On a dog, don't eat mom. Honey talking to that bear'

Yep. That's what I heard the first time.

6. World is mine by Hatsune Miku

Reason: when it starts off

'There's a co~w in there. Itchy you~, are too golly. Coco no E~ddy~, yummy!'

I have no idea who's Eddy.

5. Code Geass OP 2

Reason: I laughed my ass off, no matter what the reason is. Besides:

'You ma~d, yummy the pie, you mad?'

Imagine that comedic face in memes with the 'you mad, bro?' Then things are complete XD I like the song though

4. Haiyore Nyaruko-san OP 2

Reason: many sons of b****es.

'Sons of b****es ×infite times'

I have no idea how they did it. It's a miracle.

3. Haiyore Nyaruko-san OP 1

Reason: almost at the ending: GAY HORSE! GAY HORSE! I WANT A GAY HORSE! XDDDD

2. Mirai Nikki OP 1

Reason: everything is f***ed up when you watch it without the opening.

'Is this gay~? No! Put it in a bo~ttle, with tea.......tea biscuits, BISCUITS! F*** THIS TEA!!! *music* SWEET FRIES!!'

Food and beverages huh...might as well cross over with Shokugeki no Souma....and I finally remember where I saw this somewhere.

No. 1. Death Note OP 2

Reason: I knew this ever since I was introduced to it, and hearing it now, I laughed like there was no tomorrow. You can misheard this...I don't even need to tell you what I heard. You'll hear the same

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