Top 7 of the scariest games I've ever played

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Alright guys this is kinda random but I have my own scare s*** with games.

Number 7

If there's anything that could make me pee my pants, then it would be Resident Evil 4. This game is by far, the game that makes me scared a lot, up to the point that I really wanna pee my pants. And literally, the Ganados, El Gigante, Rasklapanje is what I can consider the creepy s***

Number 6

Ever since the creation of radios and guns, so does the word 'Silent' and 'Hill' move together. Specifically; Silent Hill: Lost Memories. Although you may disagree because this game does not let you shoot and was less scarier than the others, it's still creepy because of reason number 1. You can't shoot at all so you can only have one option: RUN LIKE A MOTHERF***ER!!!!!

Number 5

Alright. We all know how clock towers help us tell time, but what happens if there was a dark secret behind it? Clock Tower became that example. The game's graphics were kinda edgy but it was still scary. You got no weapons, and there's a goddamn stalker chasing after you, and the only option you have is look for clues and hide.

Number 4

Since creepypasta had became viral, so does a few of its guys became a part of video games. One of them is well known to be Slender: The Eight Pages. This game from what I can consider, is the creepy game that makes me feel like 'why're you created, Jeff the Killer? WHY?!!!!' feel. Also, you die in the end even if you found all the pages

Number 3

Now, the third is what I can consider the crappy s*** I can say to myself. It is known to be as Haunting Grounds. The game is a sipn-off of Clock Tower,  but was WAY creepier than the others. You have an AI dog named Hewie, who'll help you try to escape from your chasers, aka your own relatives and a Frankenstein-like monster named Debilitas.

Number 2

As creepy as the list gets, how do animatronics get to become murderers?! The Five Nights at Freddy's series are the example that even a nice person can be a two-faced b****/son of a b****. As these animatronics hunt you down, the only thing that can save your life are the cameras and the metal doors. As the game progresses, new animatronics become thrice scarier than usual.

Number 1

The game that can make me feel like a real coward. This game, is named Hotel 626. This game can be played offline or online. Either way, it is a scary game. You're in a hotel with 13 floors amd electric's out....and full of murdering ghosts and the only weapon you have: your camera. If you took a picture of the ghost, it'll dissapear. But what makes it creepy, is that this game is in First-Person POV. So try to imagine a ghost appearing right in front of your face before you got killed. It's creepy s***

Tag!! I just want these people do a top 5 only but if you want to make a top 7, I don't mind.


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