another Uchiha's challenge

44 5 13

Well, EmiliaUchiha tagged me. Sooooo....

1. Meet your favourite artist or your favourite anime character?
Ans: favourite anime character
Reason: Akihito shall protect me!!

2. Being popular with no true friends or the quiet one with true friends?
Ans: being the quiet one
Reason: true friends shall never back stab you...unlike me irl

3. Favourite anime song of all times?
Ans: 'Daisy' from Kyokai no Kanata
Reason: the song's so peaceful

4. Rose or Sakura flowers?
Ans: Sakura flowers
Reason: you can never find one of these except Japan

5. Favourite YouTuber?
Ans: Pewdiepie
Reason: he's so goddamn funny

6. Hamburger or pizza?
Ans: hamburger
Reason: they taste so good, better than pizza

7. Which most beautiful-the sky or ocean?
Ans: sky
Reason: oceans are deadly, but beautiful, while sky is just beautiful.

8. Travel with boat or train?
Ans: boat
Rewson: boats can bring you all over the world

9. Watch an anime or being able to create your own?
Ans: watch an anime
Reason: still inexperienced

10. Which of the six elements (fire water air earth light darkness) is your favourite and why?
Ans: light
Reason: light has the capability disintegrate someome or blind them

11. Would you want to be beautiful or have a beautiful voice?
Ans: beautiful voice
Reason: voice is key to a person

12. Ecchi anime or romance anime?
Ans: romance anime
Reason: three words: ew, So disgusting

13. Have you ever seen or read an anime with yaoi?
ans: yes
Reason: no one can stop yaoi

No one shall be tagged

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