my opinions to other fellow Wattpad friends

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Goldinator : you...are the best friend anyone would love to have, except for specific bullies. No wonder you have a girlfriend, Gold.

goldenheart119 : you are a shy friend who I share as an older sister. We both have so many common interests, I wonder how will we meet in the future.

8mefox : bruh, your sickness means nothing to our friendship. TBH your down-to-earth personality is what makes me determined on crappy s*** anyone gives me. And btw, in Malaysia they had already developed anti-anaemia pills so I suggest you go to Malaysia during summer break and buy those pills. And idk how'd you managed to get a girlfriend. Congrats.

Lucaruth : you're an older friend I look up as an older sister. I love as a sister, nothing more, nothing less.

amaterasuminerva : you are another friend I love just like sister, like Luca-san

pawbunny-san, pawlovebunny , PawBunny : yep. She has three accounts, all in one body. She talks to me most of the time, and kept me company when I'm lonely.

CIqumashi : we were strangers at first, but eventually, we grew to create a very close bond.

kaiishida : you pessimistic awesome son of an awesome b****, you are the man. Although I antagonize you at first, I cooled it off of me.

Potato_IA : IA is the reason why I keep using Mishiga in RPs. Potato IA had officially made MishIA happen in RPs, not canon. Cause if it was canon, then Mishiga would have been created into Vocaloid.

I think that's all

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