Top 3 of my favourite cardfight games

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3. Future Card, Buddyfight

Reason: c'mon, this was a great anime and card game. Even I had somehow enjoyed it, although I lost all the time.

2. Luck & Logic

Reason: I have a feeling none of you know this anime or card game, but after reading a fanbook, and found Luck & Logic, I was like, meh, and soon found out that the anime was actually quite fun, along with its card game. After getting myself a deck, I tested it out and yep, won. Damn it feels good.

I have a feeling we all know what No. 1 is

1. Cardfight!! Vanguard

Reason: the rules are simple, the cards are awesome, but the best part? The anime. Although the new anime series has one of its main protagonist in 'plot armour', it's still cool.

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