a weird story at school

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Okay, something literally weird happened at my school. Actually,make that things.

1. When I looked up at the sun (I wore my sunglasses), I saw a full circle of a rainbow around the sun!!!!! When I saw that, I was like, "oh. My. Frogs. IS THAT EVEN FREAKING POSSIBLE?!!!!!!" Man, that was still embedded deep into this memory.

2. Everytime I was on the stairs, my shoelaces would just somehow untie itself and I'd fall on the stairs.

3. Halfway through my subject, Science, my hands left hand was asleep, TWICE!!! Which was ironic, because I always use my right hand to write & draw anything.

Man, these must be my bad luck, striking me, once again. But, still. I accepted the fact that I'll always have bad luck on my side.

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