I got tagged!!!! for how many times?!!!

51 2 3

Gosh, 8mefox. He tagged me. Actually, I'm cool with it.

Favourite video games:

All of Resident Evil (these are the only video games that I play)

Favourite book series:

Big Nate (the whole series)

Diary of a wimpy kid (the whole series as well, but fave is the first one)

Favourite colour:

Blue, blue, all sorts of blue!!!!!

Favourite animes:

Naruto/Shippuden, Hyouka, Dragon Ball Z (all series), Cardfight!! Vanguard G/Girs Crisis (although I've watched the first episode)

Favourite band:

One Ok Rock (yeah!!!)

Favourite Youtuber:

Pewdiepie, Markiplier, Tobuscus

Done!! What else?!!!

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