10 more facts about my OCs

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1. Aniko's name means 'red bean paste' found in ohagi (a Japanese food)

2. Floey Faun's name sounds like 'flora & fauna'

3. Aedre Rain is Pluviophile

4. Mishiga Shire may be the laziest, but he's the smartest as well

5. Mishiga Shire is based off of Oreki Houtarou of Hyouka

6. Soren Ligamire is a fraternity twin of Diake Takanori

7. Solen Serio is also a fraternity twin of Mishiga Shire

8. Thai Ra is actually a quarter-Egyptian

9. Duika Gami's hair is white because she lived in the North Pole for several months

10. Ani Shei is an adopted daughter of Dayuko Shei

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