top 10 worst puns and jokes I've ever heard

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10. Guy #1: *sees a bear* hey look. A bear.
Guy #2: what about it?
Guy #1: aw c'mon! "Bear" with me, okay? *laughs*
Guy #2: *pushes guy #1 towards the bear* f*** you assclown

9. Policeman: you are under arrest for making too many bad puns
Guy: oh no! What's my "Pun"ishment?
*guy now sits on an electric chair*

8. Girl: hey guys I found an anime called Love Live!
Guy: when did you love your life?
Girl: wait what?

7. What is the most humane bird in the world?
Answer: Jack Sparrow

6. What is the most popular guy on Earth?
Answer: me. (Worse. Joke. Yet)

5. What is the coolest thing in the world?
Answer: me (again...)

4. What tree is a three?
Answer: three trees. See if you can pronounce that, b****. (Literally the joke)

3. When life gives you lemons, you read them. (Yeah. That's a legitimate joke)

2. What do you call when you have a butt that's filled with a head?
Answer: headbutt.

1. I have 5 apples. You asked for 3. How much do I have?
Answer: 5. (Idk what this means but I know it's the worst joke ever)

Now, if there's anyone who knows a bad joke or pun, mibd putting it into the comments below please? I wanna know

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