A/N and answers to the 10 riddles

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Alright first of all are the answers to the riddles a few days ago.

1. Name 10 state capitals of any countries

(My opinion)

U.K: London
U.S.A: Washington D.C
Brunei: Bandar Seri Begawan
Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur
Indonesia: Jakarta
Brazil: Brasilia
Jamaica: Kingston
Japan: Tokyo
Korea: Seoul
China: Shanghai

2. What is the biggest ant in the world?
Answer: Antarctica

Get it? (Ant)artica
3. What can be opened but cannot be closed?

Answer: an egg

Isn't it obvious?

4. What drops first before the captain, crew and sailors?

Answer: anchor

Well yeah. Of course the anchor first. What'd you think?!

5. What bet can never be won?

Answer: Alphabet


6. What is the softest food?
Answer: bread

Unles you like toast, get outta here

7. What can light, can spread, and can heat anything?

Answer: fire

Yep. Try checking the Internet

8. It is not there, but it is there. Only time can determine it. What is it?

Answer: age

Your age is there yet it's there. Time will determine how old you are.

9. When this opens, heat and molten rock comes out. What is it?

Answer: Volcano

Molten rock. Isn't that already obvious?

10. When you pull, it comes off. When you push, it does nothing. What is it?

Answer: Shoe lace

Never thought of that? Try tying it

And the author's note. Tomorrow's.

Me and my OC's birthday, Hanafi!!

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