Welcome to the Hotline

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My job is boring.

Sure, I'm gay as fuck. But I'm still not into it like these other people are. But becoming an adult is all about making money. At least this is better than cleaning toilets.

"LGBT Hotline, this is Ryan, how can we help?"

"LGBT Hotline, Ryan speaking, how can I help?"

LGBT Hotline...Ryan...help. The same thing over and over again. I read off of a card and use my best intrigued voice I can fathom.

One more call and I'm done for the day.

"LGBT Hotline, this is Ryan, how can I help?"

"Uh, t-this is Brendon." I hear a small voice. I've only been working here for a month, but this is the first call where someone has given their name. Why did they give their name?

"Hi Brendon, how can I help you?"

"I-I don't know how to come out." I look down at my card of "Help Suggestions" and throw it on the ground. It's my last call of the day, I'm gonna fuck around.

"Listen, all you gotta do is say, "Hey mom, dad, guardian, kidnapper, etcetera."" Brendon laughs. "I'm not a heterosexual. If you accept that, great, I love you. If you can't, you don't deserve my awesome ass gay personality."

"Are you drunk, Ryan?" He laughs.

"I wish, Brendon. But no. But seriously, just tell them, whatever it is, your sexuality, your gender, anything. You can tell them when you're ready and if they can't accept it, you don't need that negativity and you can just hop on out of that situation."

"...How did you do it?" They ask shyly.

"Exactly like I said. Anybody who didn't accept, I don't talk to anymore." That's why I live by myself.

"How old are you, Ryan?"

"I'm 18, why do you ask?"

"See, I'm not legally allowed to live by myself..."

"Do you have religious parents?"

"Mormon." I sigh. We hear that a lot with these situations.

"Don't worry, Brendon. You'll find a way."

"Thanks, Ryan."

"It's what I'm here for. Anything else?"

"No, thank you." I click the phone and stretch as I stand up from my chair. Now, to go to my shift at Taco Bell.


The next day, I walk into the hotline office and sit down at my chair, waiting for calls. I hear a distant phone ring.

"Uh, okay, one second. Ryan," a girl I work with pops out from behind a divider. "there's a call requesting for you. I'll forward it to you." I raise my eyebrows and nod.

"LGBT Hotline, this is Ryan, how can I help?"

"Hi Ryan, it's Brendon." I sigh.

"Hi Brendon, any problems?"

"Um, yeah. How do I tell my friends?"

"Same way I said yesterday. It should be easier with them. Tell them, if they don't accept it, tell them to fuck off."

"Uh, what if you only have one friend?"

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