The Word of the Day is Premature

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I peck Ryan's lips before I fall back to his side and sigh.

"You make me happy." I blurt.

"You make me happier." He says as he plays with my hair.

"Is it too early?" I ask.

"Too early for what?"

"To say it?" He catches on and sighs.

"I don't know. But I feel the same way." He presses his lips to the top of my head.

"How long have we been together anyways?" I ask while I stare up at the ceiling. All I can remember is that it's been about a month since he met my mom.

"Three, four months maybe." He moves his hand down to find mine. Our fingers lock and he holds them up to look at them. I yawn and roll over to lay onto his side. My eyes flutter shut and I'm completely at peace.

"I love you, Bren." He whispers quietly, almost like he's telling himself. He must think I'm asleep. But I let him know I'm not by pressing a kiss to his chest.

"I love you, Ryan."

"Now go to sleep." He says with a little laugh. He had been picking at me for not getting enough sleep last night. Once again, acting like my mother, but he was right, I had been tired all day.

"Don't have to tell me twice."


After that, we'd never said it again. It always ran through my mind.

It meant something, actually. There's so many ways that love comes across. It wasn't that kind of love that we were talking about. It was premature. It still meant something, but it wasn't like dropping the "L-bomb".

I prematurely love Ryan and I know it. I'm satisfied with it for now. One day, I know I will be able to say that I love him like he's my destiny. But for now, I just love his presence.

I really love his presence. I've realized how happy I am with him. I feel cared for and happy, and he tells me he feels the same way, but he's probably just agreeing with my madness. That's another reason to prematurely love him. 

And I've realized where my happy place it. Laying next to him in his bedroom in the middle of the afternoon while staring at the ceiling and playing with each other's hands. It's calming.

Now the "L-bomb" type of love is when you can go anywhere with that person and be happy. I'm not quite there yet. There are a lot of places where I'm happy with Ryan. But, my house is not on that list quite yet.

"I prematurely love you, you know?" I say and look over to him driving.

"Yeah," He nods and laughs. "I prematurely love you more."

"Oh fuck off, if you wanna play that game." I shake my head and he snorts.

-A/N: okay this is all on an impulse because I wanted to get a quick short update up. I'm probably going to go back and fix this up because this story is probably going to be shitty in the long run. THANK YOU FOR 11K and HAPPY BIRTHDAY PATRICK STUMP. thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed!

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