New Introductions

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Josh settles down at the drums, Ryan and Hayley both pick up guitars, and I sit down at the piano.

Tyler looks around in awe at all of the different instruments.

"You can use whatever you want, Ty." Josh encourages him.

"Uh, yeah, okay." He nods and walks around all of the instruments until he finally picks up a dark wood ukulele. He moves his fingers down the four strings and the harmony of the open strings ring out.

"Have you ever played the ukulele before?" I ask him.


"It's probably easy for you since you play the guitar. Let me find one of those chord books." I stand up and go to the front counter, next to the bookshelf filled with music books for any instrument you can think of. I run my fingers over the spine of each book as I scan to find the book for ukulele.

I slip it out and wipe off the dusty cover before I hand it to Tyler. He flips through the pages for a bit before messing around with the chords.

"Wow, I really like how that sounds." He says with a nod as he continues to strum to chords with his thumb.

"Should I use a pick?" He asks me.

"You can, I usually use the tips of my fingers." I say as I move back to the piano. The entire room fills up with different sounds. Josh beats randomly on the drums, Tyler adjusts to the sound of the uke, Hayley and Ryan are tuning their guitars, and I play random keys on the piano. After a while, everybody's playing their own song. I'm sure if you could focus on each of them individually, they'd all sound beautiful, but now it sounds like a mess.

Between all of the songs, we hear a tiny cell phone ring. Everybody stops in order to check who's it is.

"Oh shit, I forgot." Hayley mumbles and answers the phone.

"Yeah, yeah, I forgot again. Can you pick me up on the corner of fourth? Yeah, thanks Spence. Okay bye." She hangs up.

"Sorry, guys, I forgot my doctor's appointment. My brother will be here in a few minutes to pick me up."

"You have a brother?" I ask.

"Well, no. I call him my brother. He's a close family friend."

"Oh. How old is he?"

"He's our age, he's just homeschooled. He's going to start going with us soon, though."

"Cool" I nod. Her phone buzzes and she looks down.

"That's him. I'll bring him down and introduce him." She hurries out and a few moments later comes back with a boy way taller than her in her hand.

"Guys, this is Spencer. Spencer, these are my new friends. Brendon, his boyfriend Ryan, Tyler, and Josh." She points to us as she says our names. The blue eyed boy waves with a bright smile and we all wave back.

"So when are you coming to our school?" I ask him.

"Should be next week or so. Ever since Hayley and her family moved here my family's been itching for me to go to public school."

"Public school is sick." Josh says with a smile.

"Yeah, he's lying." Tyler says with a small laugh.

"Hales, we gotta go, you're already really late." He tells Hayley.

"I'm always late to things. Why can't it be like my old doctor back home where my parents could just pick it up." She sighs.

"Because they want to authorize you, or whatever. I don't know, but don't you want to get the hormones?" He says as they start walking out.

"See you guys tomorrow!" Hayley waves at us and smiles before they walk out. 

"Who the fuck was that dude?" I hear Jack shout.

"Watch your language." Josh mutters.


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