Sleep; written by the one and only Brendong

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to lay with him, wrapped around him loosely as his chest raises and declines with his even breaths.
to giggle at him when a little snore comes from his mouth, but to try to keep it down so I don't wake the calmness of the night.
safe at night; when did that become a thing?
the night was filled with monsters under beds and nightmares until now.
now the night is something I long for, not only because of the release of the day that is filled with short breaths and panic attacks, but because of the moments like this
where I lay my head against his chest and wrap my leg around his because I can, because he's mine and I'm his.
after several days of it, it becomes a normal thing just like anything else but I know if I missed a single second of this one day, I would go insane.
and back to the nightmares and monsters under my bed.

-A/N: I wrote poetry??? I mean I've written some shit before, like just for myself obviously but I kind of thought this was cute. it's just a little thing, obviously not a full update, which I will get to writing soon. I'm just gonna put it out there, I have a new fic, it's a Brallon and it's called "Flaws" it would be so cool if you went it checked it out. thank you for reading as always !!

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