Planning and Road PDA

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Ryan pulls up to my house and kisses me goodnight before I get out of the car.

When I walk in the house my mom immediately asks "Where have you been? I know you weren't at the library. It's nine o'clock, Brendon. I let it slide last time but now I need an explanation."

"I was with a friend at the music shop around the corner."

"Well I know you've been there, but who is this friend?"

"It's the same friend I spent the night with last time. His name is Ryan. But he doesn't go to our school anymore, he just graduated."

"How did you meet him?"

"We had talked before he graduated." I lie. I'm sure she knows I'm lying, too.

"I hope you're not hanging out with a creep, Brendon. You should have him over one day." I internally cringe because I knew she would say that.

"Uh, yeah. One day. I'm gonna head to bed, night mom, love you." I hurry past her to my room.

"she wants to meet u" I text Ryan.


"my moms isnt as bad as my dad. he's gonna be out of town this weekend, we'll do it then. it'll be easy" I'm not that close to my dad. Well really, I'm not that close to my mom either, but my mom will be less awkward.

"ok, goodnight bren"


Trying to sleep with the thought of my mom meeting my boyfriend is extremely difficult.


Ryan texts me a picture of him in his nicest casual clothes. I hadn't gotten to see him since this morning because he had to work an extra two hours after leaving a few days ago because of my little run-in with Dallon.

"is this ok to wear this in front of ur mom?"

And hot damn, it is more than okay for me.

"yes u look hot"

"thanks. wanna come over?"

"yeah, pick me up whenever"

"ill b there in 5" I walk out of my room and tell my mom where I'm going.

"I need to meet this guy, Brendon." She reminds me.

"Yeah, he said he's not busy Saturday." I'm really trying to make it easy on Ryan. The easiest it can get is while my dad's out of town.

"That's fine. He can join us for dinner." She nods. I nod back and walk out the front door to wait for Ryan's car.

When I get in his car he immediately greets me with a kiss.

"This Saturday for dinner." I tell him. He sighs and nods.

"It will be fine. It's just my mom. She doesn't even know we're dating. She just wants to make sure I'm not lying about who I'm hanging out with."

"You are lying, in a way." He raises his eyebrow.

"Zip it." I shush him.

"You're bossy today. Maybe it's because you missed me." He says with a faux pout.

"I saw you in the morning." I shrug off my blush. But damn, he was right.

"That's not enough for you, huh?" He says lovingly and kisses my neck when we pull up to a red light. He doesn't stop or pull away and continues to kiss my neck. A horn honks behind us and Ryan jumps back up and sees the light had turned green.

"You're gonna get us killed."

-A/N: I felt like this was kind of shitty, forgive me. but like I said before, I'm going to be writing another story, so I might not be updating for a few weeks. but in the meantime, you could go read Training Wheels, my other Ryden, because this break has to do with that story. also my rant book is neat if you're following me. this is about to hit 7K. HOW? THANK YOU BUT HOW?? I hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!

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