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The only way things could get any better is if I could be 100% honest with my parents. But I know I can't be. I know I can't tell them yet.

I bop around Ryan's kitchen as the music blares from the old speaker. I move my lips to the music as I scan the fridge for anything that's sweet.

Ryan slides through the kitchen on his socks and seductively lifts his eyebrow as he imitates every word perfectly. I can't help but giggle because he's cute as fuck.

And then the beginning riff of Mr. Brightside plays and my stomach flutters. I look straight at Ryan once I recognize the song. But Ryan doesn't look back, he's staring at the speakers until the first line starts and he stares into my eyes seriously as he mouths the song dead on.

I turn around and wiggle to the beat as I search for food. I feel a slap on my ass, making me squeal.

"I'll take you to get something on the way. I don't have anything here." Ryan tells me.

My mom has been completely fine with me staying over at Ryan's since he met him. I think she's just glad that I finally have a friend. She won't be as happy after she finds out he's more than just a friend, but I'll just use the excuse for the time being.

"Let's go on a date tonight." I blurt.

"Where do you wanna go?"

"I'll figure it out. But I'm paying for everything no matter what you say."

"No you're not. That's sweet, but I'm not letting you pay for me." He argues. In all honesty, I regret offering to pay because I'm broke as fuck.

And the flashes of my empty wallet go trough my mind. "Shit, you're right." I groan. Ryan laughs and pecks my cheek.

"Save your money for college. I could help you find a job." He gestures. Working at the hotline that Ryan works at seems fairly easy, but how am I supposed to help people come out if I'm not even out myself?

"I do need to start looking at jobs." I sigh and walk into Ryan's bedroom to change into clothes for school. By now, I always have a fresh set of clothes here, and if I don't, I squeeze my fat ass into Ryan's skinny jeans.

"You've only got a month until you graduate, Bren. After that, you can go wherever you want."

"I'm fine with going anywhere you're going." I say and cringe immediately after I finish my words.

"God dammit, that's cheesy." He laughs. "But no, you're gonna go to college so you can make sure you have a future. I can go wherever you go to and keep working and we could have a place together. But as long as you get yourself a future, I'll go anywhere. Don't let go because of me."

It makes my heart pound thinking about how much he cares. I haven't felt that way in a long time.

My parents got in a pretty big fight once, and just like any other small neighborhood or community, word got around. Dallon asked me what had happened and asked if I was okay one day at church. Now I realize it was probably a polite gesture that his parents made him do.

I know my parents care, like any parent would about their child. But I think their care has a limit. If there's something about me that they really don't like, they'll stop.

Forget about the past and future, it's now when I'm starting to feel happy. I have friends and someone who cares and I could only ask for one more thing. But maybe my parents will come along in the future. For now, I can say I'm satisfactory.

-A/N: honestly I was thinking of ending this book here and starting a new one as a sequel with the future (you guys let me know if you want that). But for now I'll just say this is just another update until I decide (please give me some feedback on if I should do that) this is honestly kind of a sentimental thing and not eventful in anyway (besides the foreshadowing) but I hope you enjoyed and thank you for 15K!

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