Looking Ahead

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"I'm turning eighteen in a month." Brendon says from my chest. "I could legally move out by myself." He pokes my chest with his index finger.

"That's great." I say as I play with a piece of his hair.

"Why don't we just move to another town?" He sighs.

"Bren, I want you to finish high school, then we can go somewhere while you go to college. I want you to be successful."

"Thanks. But can we move somewhere once I graduate?"

"I'll go with you where ever you go to college."

"And we can get an apartment so I can stay with you and not stay in those crumby ass dorms." He says with a satisfied sigh.

"Dorms can't be that bad." I shrug.

"How would you know, sir? You haven't gone to college."

"Neither have you, sir. I could go to college with you, if I wanted." I'm lying, I couldn't afford that shit all by myself.

"Whatever." He turns around and kisses me swiftly before getting up and walking into the kitchen. I hear the beeps of the microwave buttons and the hum of it starting along with pops. When it beeps again I hear the door open and close, then Brendon appears with a bag of microwave popcorn.

"If you get crumbs all over my bed I'm going to murder you." I warn him as he slides next to me onto the bed. He holds out a piece of popcorn in the palm of his hand. I take it and pop it in my mouth.

"Thanks." He nods and rests his head on my shoulder.

"Maybe you should wait until you're eighteen to tell your parents. Just in case."

"Ry, I don't want to hide from them completely. I can just tell them you're a friend for now. Don't worry, they'll like you." He pecks my cheek. Both of our phones buzz and I see it's from the group chat.

Spencer: "what's up fuckers I dont get the math"

Tyler: "SPENCER"

Josh: "watch ur language"  Tyler and Josh almost sent their texts at the exact same time, which made us both laugh.


Tyler: "I believe you're the one who needs to 'chill' ms.Williams."

Hayley: "dont call me that"

Tyler: "why not"

Hayley: "thats not my name"

Josh: "indeed it is, ms. williams"

Hayley: "jOSH"

Josh: "ms. wILLIAMS"

Hayley: "ryan brendon where are you"

"we're at my house"

Brendon: "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

Spencer: "..."


Tyler: "this is inappropriate guys josh is here"

Josh: "I cant unsee this"

Tyler: "look what u did"

"I apologize for brendons behavior"

Brendon: "FUCK YOU RYAN"

Hayley: "sounds like you have been, brendong"




Josh: "tyler lets go to the store we'll buy 1,000 pounds of soap for these vulgar people"

Tyler: "on my way josh"

Hayley: "no you guys are going to the shop and so are brendon and ryan"

Brendon: "bossy much"

Tyler: "we do not need your guidance ms. willaims"

Hayley: "just go to the damn store"

I've realized I don't always talk in the group chat, but it's just entertaining to watch.

"Sounds like Hayley's at the shop by herself. Let's get some food and we'll go." I nudge Brendon. He nods and stretches when he stands up.


"What's up fuckers!" Brendon shouts when we walk into the shop. His voice was covered by the ringing of the bell and Josh beating on the drums.

"Josh, we forgot the soap." Tyler says with a disappointed sigh.

"Frick." Josh says to the beat of the kick drum.

Tyler strums the ukulele then begins playing a random tune and singing.

"These dirty mouths. They keep talking." Josh adds a beat in the back.

"We need some soap. To get away from them."

He strums one long note and sings loudly. "Let's all go to chuuuuuuuuuuuurch!" Josh ends it with cymbals crashing.

"Thanks, Josh." He says quietly and looks back at him at the drum set.

"That was pretty crunk." Brendon mumbles.

"Please don't say crunk ever again." I say with a laugh and pat his shoulder.

"What else am I supposed to say? It was rad." He rolls his eyes.

"That's way better than crunk." I kiss his cheek quickly to get him to forget about the conversation.

"Let's all go to chuuuuuuuuuurch!" Tyler sings again and slams a note on the ukulele.

-A/N: YOU GUYS FUCKING GOT THIS TO 6K WHAT THE FUCK. I LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU??? I hope you enjoyed this and thanks for reading!!

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